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Page 4 <br />7he First Regular Scf�aoE Board Meefiing - March 12, 19i3 Reporter - Elaine Shore <br />The �oard terminated alf part-time SLBP {Special Learning and Behavior Prob{ems) positions for <br />fhe 1972-1973 school year and the program wi I I be revarnped. Some par�nts urged the board �'o <br />give its support and a group of teachers questioned whether fuil�-time teachers wauld be as effec�ive <br />as a half-time sS-aff. <br />The board gave the Tii�Ie I�ro��ram its support and said it realized the value of this fui�or �ro�ram bufi <br />must wait for sfiate �'unding in order �o cantinue it. <br />A map is available, giving afitendance areas for elementary schoofs, <br />The bid d�rte for equEpment �'or Chippewa Junior High School and Irondaie was set for Apri� �i, <br />at 1:30 P. M. <br />A repart was given on current bills befare the legisfatur, including fovndation and transportaiion aids, <br />aic{s for �rafessionai training of staff and public employee labor relations. <br />################## <br />.....a p�biics.�rvice announcemenf...a pubfic service announcement...a pub�ic service announce�ent... <br />.....a pubiic service announcemenfi...a public service announcement...a public ser�ice announcerr�ent <br />......a pub�ic service annauncement,..a public service annoe�ncement...a public service......... <br />Do you know of retired people in our comrnunity wha wou�d �enefit from getting together with others for <br />crafts, cards, music or whatever?? �'ransportation can be �ro�idec�. <br />The prob�em is FlNDING these people within our comme�nity and Ietting them <br />know of the opportunities available to them righi� here in Arden Hilfs. <br />P�ease cali me (�.iz Bieger, b36-,4385) if you know of such a p�erson and would (ike the schedule. <br />###### <br />