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Town Crier No.79
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
Town Crier 1973
Town Crier No.79
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_ , :; <br />Pag e two . <br />�lanni�g Commission Meeting - 1 May - continued <br />After the Gus�afson presenfiation and c�osing o�' fihe hearing, the Commission decided to ta[ce no <br />action until receiv?ng and reviewing recornmendations �'rom the Vilfage Engineer, the Parks and <br />Recreation Committee, and the Public Warks Comr�ittee. Since Gustafson's opfion on t#�e land <br />eX�EI'25 500f1� they requested a��g0�� (yes� OI' °�30�g0'� �i10� �e�I�/ (75 SOOiI GI5 p0551{�IB. <br />The prefirr►inary p�ans for the third addition of townhouse villages by Pemto�-n, lnc. (near Hamfine <br />anc� 96) we�-e presented (Case No. 72-35). Befvre approval the Cor-rtrrtission rec{uested fiha# the <br />Pemfiam represenfa�ives discuss the proposed sfireets r�nd.cul-de-sacs with the Village Fire Chief. to <br />assure adequa�e roorn for tire trucks to maneuver. <br />Approval of the fandscape plan for the Baptist Gen�ral Confe�ence Apartment building to 6e <br />constructed on fihe Bethe� Campvs was given {Case No. 73-V). A perf'ormance i�onci is required. <br />Before appraval of the 30,004 and 60,000 square foat warehouses to �e construc�ed in t�e Indus�riai <br />Park by Roberts Construction, the Commission requested that a totai landscape plan far the industrial <br />park f�e submitted (Cases No. 73-�14 and 73-15). <br />*�������:������ <br />Vi I lage Counci I Meeting - 30 Apri I 1973 <br />Repori�er - Dave Locey <br />A}iproved''addition of Sig'Ten Supper CI��: " Noble `Raad residan�s rec�uested street ii.ghi�ing with <br />council referring matter to Pvbiic Safety Committee. A�proved reduced utility rafes for Senior - <br />Ci�izens (sewer and water). Refused rezoning of lot adjaining Lir�dey's Steak Hause to be used for <br />business office. Approved roof fiop sign for new Ramada Inn. Appro�ed plans far new Missianary Housir�g <br />at Baptist Genera� Canference. Ap�roved Arden �iilis participai�ion in Polfu�ion Control Agencies: :. <br />A6ar�doned cars Program. Pra}�i•ean o�' trees ir�terfering with roads: Counci I si�a�es residents' responsi- <br />bility far �rimming therr�. 1VIrs. Mary Blomquist ap�ointed to Pafks and Recreation Cosnmittee. Council <br />approved Perry Park Fencing, Gunr�ar �ettersen appointed a5 new electrical inspector. Wi�lard John <br />selec�ed as new patrolman. Approved participation in Fire Service Survey as how Fire Department <br />might irrtprove i9's service in future. <br />Vi I lage Counci I Meeting - 14 May 1973 Reporter - Da�e �ocey <br />NOTE: A vacancy exists at Village Hall for a clerk. Council would prefer �o fil� position with <br />Arden Hills resident. If ini�erestec{ or �Cnow of resident who might be interested, contact Charlotte <br />McNiesh a� Village Hall. <br />Approved permit for 30,Q00 square fooi building in indc�s�rial Park on Red Fox Road. Possibility of <br />Village acq�iring 60` wide easement from Highway Departmer�t �unning c�iagonally befiween County F <br />and Hamf ine io 96 and Lexingfion. Would be used for Park and �tecreation. Mr. Buckley reviewed <br />r�sident response on Park quesfiior�nai�e. Indica�ed 15°lo return with na�ure frails, bike �rai�s and <br />tennis courts high priorifiies. James L.avcslfe hirec� as part-time temporary patrolrnan. Lights were <br />approved for Nobfe and New Srighfio� Road, and Amf�le an�� Hamline. <br />
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