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.� .. <br />Page two <br />Pfannirog Commission Meeting - 5 June 1973 {continued) _ <br />Presbyterian Homes a� 3220 Lake Johanna Baulevarc� requested a variance (Case No. 73 25) to '" � <br />install a six foot chain-Iink fence along portians of their south, west, and no�th property lines. - <br />The Commission recommenc�ed Council appraval af the variance and issuance af the b�iic�ing perrnit. <br />7he Corr�mission recommended Council approval of the �reliminary plat for Perr�tam's Third addition <br />of their Townhouse Viliages (case No. 72-35}. This also incorporates an "I" made� townhouse and <br />"Y" turn�arounc�s �or emergency vehicles such as fire trucks. <br />A pub�ic heari�g I�as been scheduled far Thursda , Jul i2, 1973, ai� 8 PM to consider Qreyfus <br />Interstate Deveiopment orporation's request for a specia us� ,�ermit to .construct a pl�nned unit <br />development (PUD) and rezoning to cornmercial zoni�g of 2.2 acres. This proposed constre�ction <br />wauld be west af Lexington and soufh of the C. G. Rein proposql af Lexington and County Road E. <br />In the praposal are ]7 canven�ional hornes, 77 singfe�family "cluster" homes, and 90 apartment <br />units in five 18-unit buildings (i84 units tofal producing a density af 4 to the acre.) <br />At a specia� meeting o� May 15, 1973, the Planning Commission recommendecf Cauncil denia� af �he <br />Star�egate Speciaf Use Permit, Preiiminary Plan, and Variances (Case No. 73-T6) for TEN specific <br />reasons. On Jur�e 5, Mr. Dan Gustafsan of D. H. Gusta�san and Associates, fnc., a subsidiary of <br />Gold Medallion Corp, ai�ternpied to convince the Planning Commission that they would ancf�or could <br />comply ta all requests of our Village concerning Stonegafe if given fhe oppor�unity and cooperation. <br />Concerning Stonegate i�here was some disagreemen� among the Commission members concerning w�ether <br />municipalities can be more resfirictive than the Minnesota State Building CQde prescribes. <br />The 5tonegafe propasal was tai�led until the reguler special meeting on Tuesday, June 19, when <br />Gtrstafson and Associates must provide detailed plans and supporting information. <br />��������� <br />Vi Ilage Counci I Meefir�g - 29 May 1973 ' Dave Locey, Reporter <br />Lake Johanna residenis group informed counci) of their concern for the higher Lafce Johanna level. <br />Believe its creating erosian, u�rooting �rees, etc. Council sfiared t�ey were already worlcing toward <br />solution and would continue efforts, and urged residenfis to write fihe Ramsey Caunty Board and the <br />Rice Geek Watershed District. Grated NSP permission fio construct, aper�rte and repair facili�ies <br />�or ciistribution of power in viflage. Highway 5] easement reportedly cannot be purchased by vi�fage <br />for park between Hamiine and F, Lexington and 95. However, possibility still exists on lease basis. <br />Proceeding with estimafies and repairs for Co. E water main breaEc. Surface water reporfed seeping <br />into sewer manholes costing village maney. Counci� authorized consul�ant and pub�ic warks to deter- <br />mine how many would have to be raised. Stonegate develop�rs ap�eared afi councii meeting, but <br />were referred �ack �o planroing commission �or June 5th meeting. Approved moving nf o�d {ibrary ta <br />Valeni�ine Park �or warming house. �hree full-time temporary summer employees hired for P�blic ` <br />Works. Pubfic Worfcs reported gps scarcity, and council gave authorization �o buy gas at service <br />stations if critica�. Still pursuing estirr�ates for Valentine Park drainage project. Reported that only <br />2 trees in tl�e past had been effected with Dutch E�rrt disease. Arden Hills Sporfismen Cf�b has <br />requested to purchase frnm vil�age jhe Barn (or vil�age garage) at 3242 New Brigi�ton Roat�. Ma�ter <br />referred to Public Safety, and Parks and Rec. committees for study. Police Depar�ment of Arden Hills `� <br />comrnended by Counc�lman for hand[ing of accident injury caseo <br />