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_, < <br />�'age Three <br />Viifage Councif Meefiing - 11 Jvne �9i3 Dave Locey, Reporter <br />': Six �oat fence (deviation) approved for Presbyteria�r Hames. Approved street light request for Bethel <br />` College. Viilage Hafl sit� improvement (resurfacing) approvec�. Report�d that Perry Park is bei�g <br />used every �vening, and that the baseba[I fieid is now ready at Valen�ine Park. C, McNiesh <br />afiter�ding state youth empioymenf �ragram for viflage, Reported approximately 20 rrtanhoies had to <br />be raised, and worlc had commenced. New fulltime �olice officer hired - James D. LaVa�le. <br />����������� <br />Re: Schoo� Board M�etings EE.AlNE SHOR� is unable i�o continue as Crier reporter for the schoal <br />board meetings. We sincerely appreciate the work she has done and thank her from th� Arden <br />Associairion for her hours of service, <br />If YOU can �elp us in fhis capacity (attending two �eetings a rrEonth of the schoo� board�--on the <br />second and fourth Mondays) we woufd be rnost gra�e��u�. P�ease call Liz Bieger at 636-,4385. <br />*�*��r�*x:��* <br />��������� <br />�:����** <br />����� <br />**� <br />* <br />� <br />