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Page rhree. � <br />A sign variance permit was apgroved to be�located on the SW co�ner of H�rriet ant! Lexington Avenues for <br />�he purpose of acfvertising the �reyfus Hunters Par�C Deve�opment. The sign wilf be permit�ed in use for <br />�� 18 months oniy.. <br />`� .� <br />The surface water control questionna+re resulfis were discussed. Residents are appar�ntly in favor of som� <br />sort of�.contral of fihe lalces. T�e State Cegisla�ure has appropric��ed monies #or patrol of the lakes by t�e <br />county. Prohibiting aircraft on �aEce Johanna was discussed, !t was noted that the Department of Aero- <br />nautics has proposed amendrnents to their Rules and Regulations prohif�iti�g aircraft frarr� Innding on any but <br />certain specified iaices in the State (Lake Johanna is unlisted). <br />Harold Bradford was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Appeais far1974. <br />Bids were reviewed for a one-ton truck with a plow. The Counci� awarded fE�e bid for this truck to Midway <br />F.ord at a cast of $6,b20.00. <br />A sub�ommittee an Fire Departme�t Ladder Trucks reported that specifications have now been developed <br />far a ladder truc[c, p�us addrons; a num#�er of compa�ies shoe�ld be abfe to bid on the truck and/or addror�s. <br />This sub-cammifitee recommends that Sbreview, North Oaks and Arden Hi11s proceed with a.faint Pawers <br />Agreement to purchase and own the proposed fadder truc�C and fu�ure large equiprnent which can be leased <br />to the Fire Department to use and maintain. No action was taker�. <br />After rev�ewing seven quotes from dealers, the Council approved the pvrchase of a 1�2-ton pic�Cup truck <br />for the Parks and Recreatior� Departmen�, from Midway Fo�-d at a cosfi of $2,484,00. <br />Simifarly, the Council appraved the purchase of a Massey �erguson tractor for the Parks and Recreation <br />-�� Department frorn the Farm Service 54�ore at a cost of $4,669:00 includ�ng mower and canopy. <br />Currently the fine maney from highway patro� tickets is distributed S�$ to the state and 3�8 to the county. <br />Since the Vii�age provides the prasecuior, it is haped that the distribution of fin�s wilf be cF�angsd as <br />fai laws: 54°/Q to the state; 25°/Q to the co�nty; 25% to the vi f lage. <br />Planning Co;nrnission_Meeting - 19 Februar�197�4 <br />Dave Locey, i2eporter <br />Comprehensive plan discussed witf� parics p�an. Also c�rscussed lakes regufation. <br />�lanning Commission Meeting - 21 February 1974 <br />Red Fox Lo�nge building Special Use Permi� on Lexingtan given approval {only on bui�ding). <br />Carnpleted review af prefiminary draft of comprehensive plan. Resider�ts should get ir�terested in their <br />vi f lage, <br />Vi I�age Counci f Meeting � 25 Februar� 1974 <br />Walt Harmer, Reporter <br />The .�oint Pawers Agreerrtent for the �ambros Ditch Project wos again a topic af cfiscussion, Since the <br />original proposal, it has been learned tF�at the state wil� nafi parfiicipate. Rarrtsey Covnty has approved the <br />cgreernent subject tot�e approval of the Rice Creek Wafershed Disfirict; Roseville has approved and Sf�nreview <br />was yet to vote. Roseville, Ramsey County, and Shoreview have indicated they will agfee to the increased <br />_ <br />�inancial obfigation which wili be: Arden Hills, $6,768.07; Shoreview, $2,8�46.$2; Rasevilfe, .$4,720,55; <br />Ramsey Co�nty. �2, 480.34. . <br />