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Village Council Meeting - 25 March 1974 (continued) <br />Page 2 <br />maximum Ievel in La�e Johanna wouid be 879.5 feet (eievation above sea ��vel). N1ore rr�eei�ings ar�d <br />discussions are planned to clari�'y and coordir�ate plans concerning Johanna flood ieve�s. <br />Covnciiman Crichton discussed a probfem witf� transite sewer pipe defieriorafiion which has been usad in <br />home nnd industria[ 1 ines, but not for Vi ( fage mains. <br />-, <br />Representatives of the Rarr►sey County Open SpQce Program were present to give their proposed pfans of <br />acquisition of arsenal (and when it becomes avaifa�le. Two arsena� parcels, 35 acres in the N.W, corner <br />and 8 acres on the east edge, were the primpry areas of cEiscvssion. A portion of the larger parcel may <br />becorne part of a proposecf 15-m�le canoe route (Rice Cree[c). The Council expressed their general <br />agreement with t�e concept described. Ramsey County was advisec� that the Vil�age is currently <br />considering rezoning the arsenal land. A fu�ure meeting is scheduled to discuss proposed arsenal land <br />use. Concern was expressed for the proportion oF the vi f lage fihat is going into parks. <br />7he Council approvec� the purchase of two softball backstops and two basice�ba�l backboards. The soft- <br />ball bacicstops will be pfaced at ingersan Park and Lindey's �riangle. <br />A bill has been passed by the 5tate Legislatu�e reiating to municipalities which pravides far the <br />reimburserr�ent of expenses incurred in the prasecufiion of highway pptrol traffic violations. <br />Pfanning Commission Meeting - 2 A}�ril i974 <br />�ave Locey, Re�or�er <br />Dreyfus asked comrnission's approval for farge 6x6 sign and final piai� of Additions 1 and 2 far Hunfers <br />Park. Sign refused, and addif ions tabled. Red Fox Inn a� 3$33 North Lexington got 8' x 7' sign <br />approved. � <br />Pemtom received approval for Addition 7 with revisions. Pemtom also asked fio revise site p�ian for north <br />area from patio homes ta town��uses making 306 townhouses in entire clevelopment. Rumored they pian <br />to s�cede from Arden Hills when fully deve�oped. <br />Parks and Recreatian Cornmittee recommendec� 1�3 of Arsenaf property fio be vacated be retained by <br />viilcrge for open space. Seemed a bii much so loo�Cing into possibifity of public awnership. <br />O en �earing schedu�ed for Ma 7th on NEW COMPREH�NSIVE PLAN. <br />Vi I lage Counci I Meeting - 8 Apri i�974 <br />Walir Harrner, Reporter <br />Treasurer Ricf�ard O'Ke[Iy has invested $464,000 at �he First National Bank-of St. Paui for 90 days at <br />9.40% anc! has purchased $35,000 Bank for Cooperatives for six months to yield 8.21°la. <br />Dreyfus �nterstate Developme�t Corporption requested a sign variance to pface a permanent marlcer for <br />Hunter's Park to be Iocated on the SW corner of Narriet Avenue and 8enton Way. The Council <br />u�animouslydenied the requested permanent Hunter`s Park sign since ii� would be contrary to the <br />established character of residential areas in our Vi�fage. <br />A sign variance was approved for the Red Fox Inn which is to be constructed an N, Lexir�gton at a <br />Ske�ly Service Station locatian. The sign is 7 feet high by 8 feet wide, rectangufar, plastic, translucertt, <br />and irtternally lit. This sig� is to �e �laced on top of the existing 15-foot pylon, wifl axtend above tN <br />roof of t�e building, and will exceed the 16 foot maximum by six feef�. <br />TF�e Council ap�roved the preliminary plat for Pemtom's Seventh Addition of TownhousE Villages. <br />