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V�llage Council Meeting — 8 Apri! i974 (continued) Page 3 <br />Arsensa� p�-operty rezoning was ar�ain a topic of discussion. �ar[cs Director John Buckfey outlinec� the <br />three areas recommended for parks and open space by the Parks Commitfiee — the eastern Marsden Lake <br />area (wild iife), the western �ice CrEek ffood plain (cc�noe frai[), and the mounds area (geologicaf <br />, structure and ski hill. The whole mat�-er was referred ta the Planning Coms�-�ission for �reparation of <br />alternate zoning plans for the arsenal. Tentatively a pub�ic hearing wilf Eae held on May 7 concerning <br />i�he arsenal rezoning. <br />Counci�man Wingert reported that a limited r�umber of copies of the proposed Camprehensive <br />Development P�an are available at the Village �ffice for review by residents prio�- to the scheduled <br />public hearing on May 7'. <br />Farks Director John Buckley described a propased community garden projecfi an Northern Sfates Pawer <br />praperty at the generator station (30 to 40 pfats} and on a�ortjon of Joe Bussard's property (5� to 60 <br />plots); bath areas an Old Highway 10. Piots T5' x 20' wouid be rented to Vi f�age residen�s for a fee of <br />$2 to $4 to pay for plowing, etc. If off—street� �arking is avai lable the Co�nci f concurs with the project. <br />The Councif approved the rer�tal of a new moving radar t�nit for the Police Depcarfinen� for a 3 or 4 month <br />triaf basis per pgreernent, <br />The Federal Revenue Sharing check, in the amouni� of $7,510.Q0 representing the third quarter of the <br />fourth entitfement period, has been receiv:•d. <br />Pic�nning Commission Meeting — i6 April 1974 <br />Dcrve l.ocey, Reporfier <br />Dreyfus ist and 2nd addifiions approved with bigger streets and more trees. Better far str�aking. Our <br />P�anning Corrtmission tries to cansic�er everyone's interest. <br />Commission recammended to Council "Rules for Wa�'ercraff Opera�ion on Johanna �t�ke, Ramsey County, <br />Minnesota" for approval. Urg� �eople usir�g lak�s to find out what rules are. <br />**�����*** <br />