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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — July, 11, 2011 12 <br />6.A. Highway 96 /TH 10 Interstate Project — Public Hearing (continued) <br />Mr. Tolaas stated Ramsey County had looked at alternatives for Highway 10 and Highway 96 <br />and this was the best alternative. The temporary components of this design may or may not <br />change based on what is developed on TCAAP and the transportation plans involved with that <br />development. <br />Councilmember Holden asked why an exit road going north Highway 10 to east Highway 96 <br />could not be moved to the south of the wetlands. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated these wetlands go all the way back. Ramsey County had looked at this but it <br />could not get it to work. This corner is challenging due to the wetlands and the environmental <br />impacts. <br />Mr. Haik stated the pond at this corner is a man made structure and could be moved. North <br />Heights Church is using this pond to meet their green space requirements for the City but the City <br />could grant a variance so that this structure can be moved. He expressed frustration that the road <br />could not be moved and the residents would not benefit because of this pond. Mr. Tolaas had <br />stated one of the main reasons for this reconstruction was due to safety. He stated safety may <br />have been a reason five years ago, but since the dual left turn lanes were installed on Highway 10 <br />the safety on this road has improved. He stated that the real reason for these improvements was to <br />push more traffic through Arden Hills and turn this road into a freeway. The City should be in a <br />better position to negotiate for the needs of the residents because the County and the State are <br />saving money with this plan. <br />Ms. Claire Palmer, 4409 Royal Hills Drive, asked how kids would get to Mounds View High <br />School from the east going west. She also asked who would maintain the new trails and <br />sidewalks that were being installed. <br />Mayor Grant stated the City would maintain the trails and sidewalks. <br />Ms. Poucher, asked what the alternatives were for sound mitigation in the Briarknoll <br />neighborhood, the homes along west Highway 10, and the homes along east Highway 10, since <br />there would not be sound walls constructed. Ramsey County has stated these homes will not be <br />impacted due to the construction but the increased traffic will impact these homes. She stated <br />people follow the signs and she would like to see signs installed that reduce speed and noise and <br />divert traffic to I -694 and I -3 5 W. She also stated Highway 96 is going to be dropped 22 -feet and <br />this will increase the amount of j ake- braking. <br />Mr. Johnson stated motorcycles also create a lot of noise and they should be restricted as well. <br />He would like to see signs posted restricting the noise and enforcing this by giving tickets to those <br />vehicles that are too loud. He stated slowing the speed on this section of the road would help in <br />reducing the noise levels from trucks and motorcycles. <br />Mr. Tolaas explained the route that could be taken to get to Mounds View High School from <br />Highway 96 by using the same connections that are in place today. He also explained a <br />bituminous surface will be smooth at first and will reduce the noise initially, but the surface will <br />