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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — July, 11, 2011 13 <br />6.A. Highway 96 /TH 10 Interstate Project — Public Hearing (continued) <br />change with age and wear and the noise level will change as well. He explained the noise levels <br />for this project were looked at for all the neighborhoods. These highways need to be improved to <br />accommodate the traffic levels they are currently experiencing and for future capacity. Safety is <br />the biggest reason for these improvements because this is a dangerous intersection. The traffic on <br />these roads could not be diverted to other roads because there are no other roads that will <br />accommodate this amount of traffic added to it. He also clarified that the highways were in place <br />before the homes were, especially the Briarknoll neighborhood, and the State and County have <br />invested in this corridor for roadways. <br />Councilmember Holden asked why the I- 694/I -3 5 W and the Highway 10 /Highway 96 projects <br />were separate other than funding sources. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated a project is generally scoped pertinent to the facts being considered. What <br />happens on I -694 and Highway 10 will happen regardless of whether a grade separation is done on <br />Highway 10 and Highway 96 or not. I -694 was looked at and evaluated as to the facts and issues <br />presented on that particular roadway. He clarified that the man made pond that was built by the <br />County. This is next to the natural wetlands and environmental restrictions prevent the County <br />from constructing a road or a pond in the wetlands. If the pond were moved it would need to be <br />moved to a location that water would be able to get to it and out of it. The County did look at this <br />intersection and considered if there was a way to move this road, but it was not possible. Also the <br />intersection could not be graded to allow for moving this ramp. This ramp could be put on a <br />structure in the future but this will depend on the factors that are driving the need for the <br />movement. <br />Councilmember Tamble asked questioned the estimated amount of resources required to <br />determine the costs to relocate the pond and where the ramp would be located. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated the required geometrics for the ramp would need to be reviewed and the <br />appropriate acceleration lanes would need to be included. The complicated thing is to relocate the <br />pond and meet all the environmental laws and neither the State nor the County could justify the <br />cost. The trigger for something different to happen in this location will be development of <br />TCAAP. Once transportation improvements have been identified and a study has been done this <br />will determine if this area provides a critical movement. The State and the County invest in <br />projects that will make improvements for the broader public. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned the rating of Lexington Avenue. <br />An unidentified person in the audience provided the answer. <br />Mayor Grant asked what was being done to provide noise mitigation other than a sound wall. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated nothing was being done post construction. The amount of starting and <br />stopping will be reduced and this will address some of the noise concerns presented. Noise walls <br />are the type of noise abatement that is used. They are constructed when the federal criteria is met, <br />