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June 6, 201. �, Draft P�anning Commissian Minutes <br />Planning Case 11-014; Variance; Sryan Liliehaugen; 1145 Amble Drive — Not a Puhlic <br />Hearing <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman stated the applicant has requested a variance to construct <br />a 408 square foot addition in the rear and side yard of the home located at 1145 Amble <br />Drive. The structure would encroach ten feet in the required side yard setback of 40-feet. <br />She provided additional background information. <br />City Planner Beekman stated Staff affers flie following findings o£ fact %r this proposal: <br />General Findings: <br />1. The Iot size meets fihe requirements of the R-1 District. <br />2. The lat meets the width and dept reqniremen�s for ihe R-1 District. <br />3. The property is a corner lot. <br />4. The applicant is proposing a 408 square foot addition to the rear af the home, which <br />would encroach 14-feet into th� 40-foot required side yard setback for corner lots. <br />5. The proposed additian meets all ather zaning and setback requirements far principal <br />structures in the R-1 Zoning District. <br />6. The proposed addition is outside of the 100-year flood plain, wetlands, and <br />easements. <br />7. Tree removai for the proposed garage would not require any mitigatio� under the <br />Tree Preservation Ordinance. <br />Variance Findings: <br />8. The variance would be in harmony with the purpose and intent oi the City's <br />ordinance because the request minimizes tkae impact of the addition by maintai�ing <br />the homes existing seibacks. <br />9. The variance would be consisteni with the Ciiy's Compreher�sive Plan because it <br />meets the City's housing goal of encouraging redevelopment that is complimentary to <br />and enhances ihe character of the City's established neighborhoods. <br />10. The variance request vvould put ihe pxoperty to use in the R-1 District, at�d the <br />additian would maintain the home's existing setbacks. <br />11. The property is unique in the City because it is a corner lot, and the home was <br />con%rming when it was consiructed. The practical difficulty was not creaied by th� <br />landowner, but rather by the City wher� the Zoning Cade was amended to require a <br />40-foot setback on corner lats. Had the Cify not amended the Zoning Code, the <br />proposal would not require a va�riance. <br />12. The proposal will not alter the essential character of the neighbarhood because it is a <br />small addition, which would maintain the exisiing harne's setbacks. <br />13. The constr�ction and location of the garage is not based on economic cansiderations <br />alone, because the homeawner has increased their expense in order to zninimize the <br />size of ihe addition that requires a variance, and enlarge another portion of the home <br />that hoes not require a variance. <br />