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Ciiy Pianner Beekman stated the findings of fact for this variance support a <br />recom�nendation fox approval. If the Planning Com�nission recommends approval of ihe <br />variance, Sta�f xeconr�mends the following five cond�tions: <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by <br />the canditions af approval. Any signif cant changes to these plans, as determined by <br />the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. <br />2. The applicant shall use best management practices {BMPs) to contxol erosion at all <br />times during constructian. <br />3. The struct�re sha11 conform to all other regulations in the City Code. <br />4. The addition sha11 match the color and architectural styling of the rest of the primary <br />siruct�re. <br />5. The applicant shall obtain appraval or a waiver from the Rice Creek Watershed <br />District prior to the issuance of any building penmits. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commissioner conunents. <br />Commissiouer Holewa moved and Commissioner Thompson seconded a�otion �o <br />xecoanmend a roval of Plannin Case 11-014"'__._,. <br />for a variance at 1145 Amble Drive <br />based on the �ndin�s of fact and the submitted nlans, as amended bv the five <br />conditions in the July 6, 2011, repart fo the PlanninE Commissior�. Tl�e motion <br />carried unanimousIv (4-U�. � .. <br />