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ARI3EN HIL Y C4UNCLL. I�_CJ_GL7�T 1 b. 2010 3 <br />2..4 Lib�ary Prop�sal Update (conti��ed) <br />Coancilme�trber G�-aRt c�uestiar�ed x� �.e City had received at�y further infvrmat�on �n potential <br />operating costs. <br />Ci�y Administrato� Klaeits indFcated ihe Ciiy � na�. He stateci the timi�g a�#he FPAC meeting <br />wo�ld be tight for passing alnng inf�rntation to the Library Board. A specia.! Council meeting <br />may need tv be cafled to review the infor�t3atiat� within the p�r�per tizneline. He added that t�e <br />Council shoulrf discuss whether or n�t they were interested in using TiF for Presbyterian Homes if <br />the library was nat inc�uded in the eedeveloprrE�nt. <br />Mayor �arpstead stated TIF �Zad io be �sed fot cons�ructfon ar infrast�cture, speci#"ic to <br />property ir�proveme�ts, and ihe �ots�tial far T1F was th�ra. He indicated the tt�ta.� content af tl�e <br />proposed develo�me�t would deterrnine his decision, as T�R co��d nat be used for operati�sg <br />expe.nses for t�e L�hrary. Tk�e overal� mix of the de�e�oprnent cn.ay justify the use of TIF w�ten <br />looking at the p�m�ect in tQtal. <br />�ou�cfl�ember Holdea exptained the faci�ity vvas being utilizeci every day ar�c� because it was <br />oid do�s not mean it needs to be r�p�aced. <br />Co��cilmember Holmes questioned what �utfiher informatior� was needec� �'rorn Presbyteria� <br />Ho�es. <br />City A��inisfratar K�aers stated a pra forma fr�m Ehlers was in t�e vvorks and Ehlers vvauld be <br />�aresent at the �'PAC zneeting,. <br />Coun�sl�ae���x �'rw�# sug�ested sta.f� r�vvrk to ga�her as m�ch inf�rmaiia� as �ossible to get �e <br />p�rocess started. <br />Mayor Harpstead agreed and �equested sta�f'beg�n gathering the necessary iz�iarmati.on. <br />B. 2011 Bud�t1CIP <br />Financc Directvr �versa� presented the City Council with the 2011 Budget. Sh� r�viewed the <br />o�eraE� cl�ax�ges €rom il�e 20ID budget �notir�g there was an additiot�al staff person added to the <br />finance dep�ment axzd inierns into administration. The City has a great dea� of el�an up wark <br />and the ir��erns have been efFective in compEeting �hese tasks and they aiso h�ve hel�ed to gei rid <br />of audii findings wi.#h �i�nely re�onciiiatioz�s, averall, the rece�� pers4nnel c�anges to sta.£#' <br />resuXted in a$19,D0� increase in the budget. �nsura�ce rates wo��d be bac�C tu the City at fhe end <br />of August or early Septemi�ex, She expected t�e rat�s to be fa�arable, The b�dget r�flected a <br />10% increase for benefits, bui ti�s �nay be reduced <br />Fiq�anc� D�r�c#or Ive�sv� reviewed the b�xdget furth� ex�[ai�ing a t°/a increase in COLA far � <br />2011 �uvould impact the ge�neral fund i�y about $10,404 a�d about $�,000 in spec�aX �urnc�.s. <br />I4layor Ha�stead q�es�.oned if the fina�ce s�ff xne�nber wauld be a one year d�al or on-going. <br />