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A EN HI W RK E��iON -- A[jG�[15 2 1 5 <br />2.B ZOI.I Budget/Cl'P (continued) <br />Fi�ance Director Yversog explaaz�ed there was a pro�aaseci levy increase of 3.4°/4 with a�l budget <br />ar�creases as staEed within fihe budget �ook at �vs tixne. The n��r wa�id decrease if t�e C�uncil <br />made c�ecreases. <br />Mayvr HarpsEcad suggested the Cou�cil now address the totat budget, sis�ce tlae �personne� issues <br />have been di.scussed. <br />Cauncrl�nember G�rant stated he did nat reca�l discussing additi�nal personnel for the ��ance <br />de�aas�ment. <br />F'rnance Direcfor Iversan indicated t�.is �ad nat yet been discussed by tl�.e Cou�cil as a group, <br />but several Council�nembers ha.d discussion.s witl3. her an.d the City Ac�ministratar. Tkze numbeirs <br />were included just �o sl�ow tk�e Council how it wauld a�fect the budge�. <br />Co�r�ciime�bc�r Halden suggested the add.itional fir�ance staff �nernber as tltis departrr�eni <br />seemed to I�e be�,ind. She felt th� additianal staff w�uld greatly benefit the City and atlow �iis <br />degartr�e�t to catc�i up. <br />Mayar �Tar�stead e�lairied he would be re[uctar�t ta adci anothe� s�aff nr�ember to this <br />dep�ent� He £e�� neight�aring c�ties �ad simi�a�r �inance systexns a�d a josnt powers <br />a.r�rangernent could be esta,b�ished ta shaze one €�alf of fhe position. He questianed haw rt�any <br />hours �he current interns were worki�xg. <br />Fi�a�ce Direc�o�r �verson i�dicated one �t�rn works about �40 �oufs �er week vv�iie ihe ather <br />works E�e�vve.��.1Q-20 i�ou�-s per wee[c. <br />Ci#.y Admiu�istra#or i�laers s�ed the fi�€ance depar��e�t did have a need in the short ten�►, but <br />�ang term ihe Cxty may not have the need. I-�� suggested the Caunci� consider a ane year con.ira.ct <br />for this positio�. <br />Councx��ez�r��er Ho[mes suggested the Personne� Camtnitkee discuss this further and po#entia�iy <br />put Sue �to a Ffnanae DirectorlAssistant City Administrator pasi�ian far th� City. <br />Cat�ne�Imem�er Holde�t asked wha was carn�leti�g human resource tasks at this �.�.e. <br />�nance Direcfor Ive�sota indicated sh� was handl�ng �uman resources. <br />Ck�y Adnni�istratar Klae�ts stiated t�iere was no one indir+�dual t�at ha�ndietl al� af the h�nar� <br />reso�rces at this t�m,e. He ind�cated �e Deputy Clerk did not have t1�►e axperiencF: necessacy �a <br />�amplete aii of tl�e Hu�nan Resot�rce tasks. Typically the City Admi�istrata� daes r�ot haz�dle <br />these tasks but makes recomrnendations to Counci�. Curret�tly Sue is the only o�.e with the <br />experiene.� a�ad skill set t� supexvi�e tExese funetions. <br />Councilmemb�r McCl�ng car�nented k�e was uncomfdrtable witk� this discussian in �nat this <br />issue should �ave came be�ore �he prior to the budge# discussic�n. He fel� �n <br />orga.nizationa� c�art of th� CiEy shouid be rev�ewed fitrtf�e�. <br />