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3B, Non-Union Wage Adjustment
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3B, Non-Union Wage Adjustment
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8/24/2011 1:26:25 PM
City Council Work Session Aug 15, 2011
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WQRK SESSION— MARCH 21, 2a11 2 <br />2. 5TAFF UPDATES <br />A. Preliminary Review o� Joint Meeting <br />PubIic Worl�s Director Maurer explained that he wanted to review expectations far this <br />everung's joint znee#zz�g. He stated that he had made it very clear io the Parks, Traz�s & Recreation <br />Committee {PTRC) members that this would be iheir opportunity to talk with Council, to ask <br />questions and get direction frorn the Cauncil. He wanted them to understand that this would not <br />be a Sta�F driven exchange. <br />B. Sheriff s Coniract <br />City Adnn.inistxator HIaers stated that t1�e 2010-2012 Law Enforcement Agreen�aent with Ramsey <br />County was scheduled for renewal at the end of 2009. The agreement is identical to the previous <br />three-year co�tract. We are now midway through the contract pexiod withaui having r�newed the <br />contract. He further explained that there is a termination clause in the contract requiring a 9 <br />month notice of i�tent to not renew. He pointed out that the new Sheriff has plans to monitior the <br />quality of s�rvices provided to contract cities. He asked i� tk�e Council vvants this matter on their <br />next agenda so action can be ta�ez�. <br />Councilmember Holden co��ted that the Council sirr�ply wanted the Sheriff to do what they <br />were suppased to do under the contract. Now, she stated, it see�x�.s that they are actually �riforcing <br />the City's ordinances and she wouid vote to approve renewal. <br />Mayor Grant stated that th� Council should give the new Shexz�f a chance to irr�prove the <br />services and he agreed that things have been getting better. <br />After some discussion, tk�e consensus af the Council was io place the Sher�ffls contract o� t�ie <br />March 2$t�' Council agenda under Consent. <br />C. Non-Unian Wage Adjustment <br />City Adminisfrator HIaers explained that this matter had b�en discussed durfng the budget <br />process. The City has 25 full time employees, eig�t af which are union employees. In 2010 tl�e <br />�nion employees were granted a 3% increas� while there was no increase for no�-union <br />employees. H� stated now #hat the union contract negotiatians have been campl��ed, he would <br />like the Council to consider an increase to allow tihe non-i�nion emptoyees to "catch up" in terms <br />af wages. He suggested a 1% to 2% increase for non-union ernployees with 1% to be reiroac�ive <br />to January 1 an.d t�en a 1% increase effective July �. He expiained that there are monies available <br />in the contingency fund for this increase. <br />Councilmember Werner questioned what surrounding cities are doing as far as pay increases. <br />City Administrator HIaers stated t%at some coz�unities are not offering any increases, some <br />are giving 1% and others, s�ch as St. Anthany, have approved a 2% increase. <br />
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