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3B, Non-Union Wage Adjustment
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3B, Non-Union Wage Adjustment
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10/24/2024 10:37:38 AM
Creation date
8/24/2011 1:26:25 PM
City Council Work Session Aug 15, 2011
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ARDEN TriILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSI4N — MARCH 21, 2011 3 <br />Cauncilme�nber Holden stated she doesn't think the Council should be concerned with <br />"catching-up" to Public Works employees; the corr�parison should be w�th other like cities. <br />City Adm�inistrator HIaers stated that a su�vey of surrounding cities was not done at this time <br />but �Iie City did recentiy file for pay equity compliartce and found that the internal balance <br />beiween male dorninated c�asses and female dominated classes has slipped. <br />Mayor Grant agreed with Councilmember Holden that we should not be cancerned about <br />"catching up" and he too wondered how we compare to nexghboring cities. <br />Councilmember Tamble expressed concern that not granting an increase to non-union <br />employees would give the appearance that the Council valued Public Warks employees more. <br />Mayor Graut staied that it comes dovv�rk to "what they tnake for what they're doing" and in that <br />regard, we do need to be competitive with otlaer cifies. <br />Councilmember Tamble stated that if the �'ublic Works employees wer� non-union, then all <br />empioyees would be treated the same. <br />Counci�member Holden stated that there are some staff members who have specialized jobs and <br />if those s�taff rr�embers choose to leave the City, the cost to train replace�xaents wouid be higher <br />than the proposed pay increase. <br />Mayar Grant poinied out that sta�E �embers continue to recei�e step increases until they are at <br />the top of their pay g�rade. <br />Councilmember Holden stated that step increases have been suspended at times, and she added <br />that thexe is no such thing as bonuses in the public sector as there is in the private sector. <br />Councilmember Holmes commented that based on what is goin.g an in the economy and what <br />other cities are doing, she doesn't see how the Cou�zcil cauld give more ihan a 1% increase. She <br />added that federal employees aren't getting an increase and many businesses are not increasing <br />pay. <br />Councilme�xbe�- Werner agr��d wiih Councilmember Holmes. <br />Cauncilmember Holden stated ihat si�ce the non-union employees received no increase last year, <br />the Council should cansider giving a 1% increase effective January 1 and a 1% effective <br />September l. <br />CounciImember Tamble staied that if this would be considered a cost of living increase, it <br />should be parallel among al� employe�s. <br />City Administrator Klaers commented �hat giving some increase in 2011, after givzng no <br />adjustrn.ent in 2010, be considered a show of �a�th and support iax non-union employees. <br />
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