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ARDEN HILLS CITY COLTNCIL W4RK SESSION — MARCH 21, 2411 4 <br />After some discussion, the consensus o#' tk�e Council vvas to grant a 1% increase effective Janua�y <br />1 and revisit this topic in July. Staff was directed to place this matter under Consent on the <br />Council's March 28�' agenda. <br />2.D I-69�4/TH 51 Inferchange Project <br />Public Works Director Maurer explained that on February 9, S�nator Goodwin and <br />Representat�ve Knuth held a meeting with MnDOT, Ramsey Cou�aty, and Arden Hills officials ta <br />discuss the I-694/TH 51 Inierchange Project. He reviewed a follow-up ietter from MnDOT <br />addressing the City's 1� conditions for denying municipal consent. He also reviewed a letter frorn <br />Joe L� of Ramsey Coun�y clarifying three of the conditions addressed in MnDOT's letter. He <br />stated the key points in each let�er axe: <br />1. On Condition #2, MnDOT states that tbe City is r�o longer pursuing the noise wall so <br />they will remoee it from the construction plans. Staff has talked to MnDOT and <br />informed them that this zs nat what was said at the meeiing on February 9. Staff <br />remxnded MnDOT that we indicated our feeling t�.at the City wauld forego the noise <br />wall if freeing up approximately $1,000,000 of MnDOT funding would he�p with <br />MnDOT fi�nding needed traffic improve�nents on Lexingtan Avenue. <br />2. On Condition #3, regarding using excess material generated on th� project for building <br />berms to help with noise mitigation; MnDOT gave a more deta.iled explanation at the <br />mee�ing that the need to �uild storm water ponds, linaited right-af way, and topography <br />of the excess right-of-way made it i�xapassible to build berms of sufficient length arxd <br />height to provide signif cant noise mitigation. Wit1� tlus m.o�re detailed explanation, it <br />was agrecd that building of berms was no longer needed. <br />3. On Canditian #5, MnDOT basxcally has given #he same answer about potential City <br />cos#s witb their project. Ramsey County's letter clarifies even �urther patential cost <br />from a County projeci on Lexingtan Avez�ue. If appears that the City costs for both <br />�rojects will be modest. <br />4. Cor�dition #6 deals with MnDOT cornrnitting funds to help Ramsey Courity with <br />needed irr�provernents on Lexingtan Avenue due to the interchange project. Staff has <br />had sevearal canversations with Mr. McBride and Jim Toiaas rega�rding this issue. Mr. <br />McBride has been very clear ihat MnDOT policy prohibits them from committing in <br />wriiing io having f�xading ava.�lable for the County project as the funds com.e from a <br />competitive program at MnDOT. Mr. McBride did tell staff that MnDOT would do <br />everything it could to help the County with th� Lexington Avenue improvements. <br />Staff asked Mr. McBride to call Jirr� Tolaas ta disc�ss this and then ask Mr. Tolaas to <br />call tkxe City. Staff did r�cei�e a phone ca�i from Mr. Tolaa� statiz�g that he talked to <br />Mr. McBride and that ihe County is fully cornrnitted to making the necessary <br />improvements to Lexington Avenue and they feel MnDOT will help fiuriding. <br />5. Condition #7 deals with mal�ing improvements to the Lexington Avenue Bridge to <br />lengthen the ieft �urn lanes. MnDOT has cornmitted to making ihis change includir�g <br />tne adjustz�.�ents #a the signal systems at each end of the bridge ar�d to do �lie work <br />