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MuRicipal Co�sent <br />HPDP f Scaping ! Subject Guidanee Mn/�OT <br />City Disapprova[ <br />[f a ciry dEsapproves the finaE layout, IIRn/DOT car� stop fhe project (or scale it bacic so <br />that m�rnicipal conser�t is no longer req�ired), or Mn/DOT can take the project to the <br />appeal process_ <br />tf fhe city d'[sappro�es — bu# inc{udes car�diiion(s) for appro�al, Mr�IDOT has the above <br />optior�s plus the option of inee#ing the city's condiiion{s), and #htas abtainirig. t�e city's <br />app�ovaE_ To do this, Mn/DOT se�ds the ciiy a 9et�er to that effect ►nriih the layout <br />atiached (revised to show the change(s)). This compfetes ths m�nicipal conser�t <br />pracess; Mn/DOT then has the city's approvai_ (Se�ding the letter and re�ised layout is <br />N4T a resubmi#ta! for further cons�deration by tt�e city). <br />Appeai Proeess <br />The appeal procEss is tf�e same for infers#ate and non-interstate projecfs. However, <br />the MnIDOT Commissior�er Es not bo�nd by tE�e recomme�dations of the appeal board <br />wit� respect ta inferstafe highways_ <br />If MnIDOT decides ta go to the appeal process, t�e firsi s#ep is to estabfish an Appeal <br />Board of three r�ernbers: one member a�painted by ihe Cornmfssioner, one merr�ber <br />appoin#ed E�y #he City Council, and a third mem#�er agreed ��on by t�oth the <br />Commissioner and #he Gity Council. (If a thirc� member ean�ot be agreed upo�, the <br />Com�nissianer refers ihe selectior� #o ths chief �ustice of the S�prertze Court, w�o tE�en <br />has 14 days to appoint the Ehird mEmber)_ <br />After the ap�eal boa�d is esfab�ishecf, the Cornmissioner refers ttte fina� layouf to the <br />Appea! Board_ T#�e Appeal Board then �as 30 days to hold a f�earing a# whie� ihe <br />Corn►r�issioner and the City Council rnay present their cases #or or againsf appravat of <br />fhe �ayout_ Within �i0 days afier ihe hearing, fhe Appeal Board must make its <br />recornr�endation regarding the final Eayovt. The recommendation can be: <br />• for appro�al, or <br />• #or approval wiih r�odi�cations, or <br />• for disappro�al. <br />The baard can a�so rr�ake addifiona� Eecammer�cfations cansistent wifh sfa#e and <br />federai requirements as ii deems appropria#e. The board m�st submif a writ#en report <br />with i#s findings and recommendations to the Commissioner and tf�e City Council_ <br />4of5 <br />