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3D, US 10 Highway 96 Interchange Improvements – Municipal Cons
City Council
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3D, US 10 Highway 96 Interchange Improvements – Municipal Cons
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10/24/2024 10:38:21 AM
Creation date
8/24/2011 1:28:08 PM
City Council Work Session Aug 15, 2011
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M�nicipal Consent <br />HPDP / Scoping 1 Subject Guidance <br />4_ tf crty cfisap�rov�s, MnIDQT decides whether #o_ <br />a_ Meef cify's condition(s), assuming city appraved wifF� condifions: <br />Mn/DOT wrifes c[fy a letter in�#ieating this anci aifaches revised [ayo�t with <br />change{s}. This ends the MC process_ <br />b_ Go ia the appeal process_ <br />Mn/DQT <br />c_ Sto� ihe project {do not bt�iid the project, oe scaie proJect cfo►rvn so that m�nicipal <br />cansent is na fonger required}. <br />5_ If ir� tE�e final pfan MniDQT alters access, capacify or RIW, MnlDO� must re-submif <br />cf�anged pnriion af piar� for city's approval. (T#�e eity is not required to hold another <br />pe�btic }�earing and has 60 days fo a�pro�e ar clisappro�e). <br />Ci#y Approval <br />The city can ap�rove either by a forrr��l appro�af reso�ution (see generic resolution ir� <br />Appendix), or by not passing a resoEution disappra�ing the Iayout within 90 cfays Qf the <br />pubiic hearir�g- <br />The cify's re�Eew - wiih regards to fayouE approval -- �s [imited to fE�e praject efements <br />in th� fmaf iayout thaf are within the bou�daries af thaf ci#y_ A cfty cannot impose a <br />condifion art ifs approval that is ovtside o� f�e ciiy's boundaries. <br />The process al(ows the city one opportunity to exercise approvaE or disappro�a� of the <br />�nat layout (uniess MntDOT aEiers the p[an with rEgarc�s ta access, capacity, or <br />rig�t of-way)_ Once a city approves the fayout, it car�not rescind ifs appra�al iater_ Ef a <br />city disapproves with conditions, and if MnIDOT agfees to meet those cond[#►ons - and <br />r�otifies tl�e city in writing (including co�y of revised kayout) -- then municipal conser�t <br />has been o�tained. <br />The rnunicipa! consEnt statute applies to changes on "ar�y route on the trurrk highway <br />systerr� lying ►rvithin any municipali#y_" !f a T.H_ borders a city and no sectian of the T_H. <br />is complet�ly within the city limits, mur�icipal consent is stif� required for any of the <br />designated changes {aecess, eapacity, or rigf�t-of-way) thaf do occur within that city_ <br />Hawever, if #he changes triggering f�e municipal consent process are on the other side <br />of the T_H. - and thus outside the city's limifs - then rnunicipa! eor�sent is not req�ireci <br />�rom thaf city and is nat requesied fror� fhat city_ <br />3 af 5 <br />
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