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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — Ju1y; 1 1, 241 I � <br />6_A_ HighK�ay 96/TH 1 D Intej-state P��ojecl — Public Hearing {cantinued} <br />CounciEmember Holden asked ��rhat rrzade Mr. Tolaas thir�k the City would get funding to fnish <br />the trail_ <br />Mr. Tolaas stated f�zndi�g w-a�ld be far replacer�-�ent of �he interchange itself Ramsey County is <br />assuming irt today's environrnent this project waulci score well for funding. The m�im�m that <br />ca�zlcE be received is $73 millian and the County would approach Mn/DOT %r a portion of the <br />costs and additional State funds_ He assured the Council that if this struck�re is replaced t�ere <br />would be a trail or sidewalk incli�cied. <br />Councilmember Holden asked why Highway �0 was not going under Highway 96. If High:way <br />10 went under Highway 96 there would be less o�a noise irnpact than the currer�t proposal. <br />Mr. Totaas stated this road design had been looked into b�t the cost for this type of <br />reconstntc#ion was too great. <br />Mayor Grant opened t�e public hearing at 7:47 p.m. <br />Ms. Joan Dosedel, 4633 Hi�hway ] 0_ Arden Hills, stated she would like to know more abaut th� <br />noise problem �ecattse she unders�ood that ii was �oing to be a terr�porary road that was going in, <br />there would be six or seven hom�s taken at that taeation, and tlzat there is no noise abatement <br />gaing in_ She asked if this was sti11 going to be temporary or if tk�ere wouid �e something done <br />about those homes because the noise, which is already had, wil� increase considerabiy. <br />Mr. ToEaas stated the service roa� that comes down in front of the hot�es along Highway 10 <br />would remain in place. There will be a cul-de-sac thaT will ailaw for t�rning around and there wilt <br />be no through movernents and na direci connection to the Hig�way. The ra�np area wilI get <br />slightly closer_ When the noise analysis was dane, the home sites in this area did not meet the <br />Federai criteria for che installation af saund walls. Even thaugh the noise may exceed the State ar <br />Federai levels, this area does nat meet the cost effeciiveness g�idelines. The road will r�ot be <br />shifting a great deal so the ciecibel increase is not significant. <br />Councel�etxtber Hotden stated it had been talked about far years that the homes in this area <br />�ould be baught o�t. S�e asked Mr. Tolaas if this was th� case. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated he �ad not l�eard this vt�ith this project. When ihe Rya� Group's proposai for <br />redevelaprzaent of the TCAAP property was an option, there were a number of transpo�tation <br />improvements thaE had been Iooked at including a new intercl�ange �n the area of the Big IO Bar. <br />The purchase of these proper�ies had never been a pa�i of the Highway 14/Highway 96 grade <br />separation praject. Mn/DOT has never had any propasals that would require the caking of these <br />homes eit�er_ T�te tetnporary ramp thai is being pui in place may or may not stay depending an <br />how TCAAP is developed. <br />Ms. Jolene Poucher, 1548 Briarknoli Drive, stated that going northbaund on Highway 14 to turn <br />east off of Highway �0 onto Highway 96 was ta�ked about, hawever the Hamline Avenue exit <br />closure <br />