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ARDEN HILLS C1TY C4UNC�L -- �uiy, i 1; 2Q I 1 � <br />b_A_ High�vay 9b/TH JD Inlerstate Projec! — Public Hearing (continued) <br />was �ot. She asked how t�is closure wouEd affect the tratfic on Highway l0 and Highway 96. <br />She also sta�ed that over the �ears the residents had been led �o believe t�►ai ii Fhe roadway were <br />resurfaeed w�th a biturriino�s materia[ this would reduce the amnunt of noise on the road. Mr. <br />Tolaas hac� stated in his presentation ihat this would not be the case. She asked for clarification <br />regarding �his poi�t. She stated that Highway I O and Highway 96 was being recortstructed to rraeet <br />the State's needs and the residents were not geiting any naise abatement. She wanted to know if <br />the CiFy could look into lirniting or eliminating truck traf�c on that streich of highve�ay_ She asked <br />if tk�e City could look at the truck traiftc on this road and have t�is traffe directed ta the I-694 and <br />I-35W interc�ange. S4�e alsa asked if the mone}� that was being savet� by not having Highway �0 <br />go under Highway 96 was bein� used for t�e reconstruction of I-694/I-35 proj�et. She stated t�e <br />aresidents o€the Br�arknoll neighborhood are disappointed they are not receiving so�nd wails. <br />Ms. Christine Winiecki, 4175 Old TH 10, Arde� Nills, asked a6out the ramping coming off of <br />southbaund Hig�iway 10 an� �f this would be a r�orti� and sauth intersectior�_ She expressed <br />concern t�at if this was only southbound then tE�is ufill ir�crease the traific on OId TH l0_ She <br />stated s�e had heard that the Vikings were planning for a four-[ane ramp coming offof �-35, in the <br />area of Scherer Brothers. She asked if anyone on the Cou�cil had heard about Scherer Brothers <br />being bought aut. <br />Councilme�ber Holmes stated the ramp Ms. Winiecki was asking about is for sout�bound <br />traff c only_ <br />Mr. A1an Johnson, Highway 3 0, Arden Hills_ stated his road w•as being closed. He askecE if a <br />sidewaik would be put in frarr� Hi�hway 96 to Lake Sht�re Alace. <br />Mr. Mike Loosbrock, ��35 Lake Shore Place, Arden Hills; stated noise is a prob�em in hzs <br />neighborhood. Dave Cmiel had contestec� the noise f ndings as�d he asked i� there had been any <br />folIow-�p on this. Currentl}� there are trees in the area tl�at provide some r�oise mitigation and <br />these will be remo�ed. He asked if somet�ing would 6e put in to replace these trees ihat wauld <br />provide some noise rnitigation_ He stated he wou�d alsa like to see a sidewalk installed in this <br />area. <br />Mr. John Wrobel, 1565 Royal Hills Drive, Arden Hiils, expressed cancerns about lowering <br />Highway 96 and the potentia� for flooding especialI}T in years similar to this year where there is an <br />e�cessive amaunt of rain. He stated �te would be in favar of lowering the overal] speed limi� for <br />Highway i4 through the Cfty_ <br />Mr. Russe�l Be�-tsch, 4419 Amb1e C�rcle, Arden Hills, expressed cancerns about �he amount of <br />traffc t�a€ will be generated with the east bound bezng shut off. He alsa s�ated that S�. Pae�l has <br />been able �o reduce the speed limit and the gross weight limit or� I-35E throug� their coz�m�zn�ty. <br />He suggested Arden Hills look into these opt�ons for the community. He also questioned the <br />reasons were far shutting aff Highway 10 north but rnai�taining westbound 96_ Changin� �his <br />traffic flow could be a cost savings �or t�e project. <br />