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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — July, I 1, 20i 1 14 <br />6_A_ Highway 96/TH 1 D Inlerstate Project — Public Hearing (con�inued) <br />when they are warranted, and cost e�fective_ Along Lake Shore Da-i�%e they wili be loosing a vzsual <br />bu�fer that can be re�laced using a fence and �egetatit�n_ <br />Mayor Grant closed t�e public hearing at 9.31 p.�. <br />Mayor Grant stated the items brought up tha� are City reiated include. ti�e Lake Shore wal�Cway, <br />a fence ar trees alo�g �,ake Shore Drive, a blind intersection sign for the Keithson neighborhood, <br />and looking at jake-braking En residential neighborhoads_ Other issues that were broug�t forward <br />include: the property at 1857 Todd Drive_ The City is not in a positia� to provi�e or deny <br />Municipal Co�sent at this tirne. <br />Public Works Director M�urer clarified Staff was looking for direction. <br />Co�ncilmernber Holden stated she would like to have the right ofi nort�bound Highway 10 ta <br />Highway 9G, fihe roadway suriace, noise ordinance enforcen-�ent, and a discussion an the speed <br />limit for t�is section of Highway 10 added to the lisi of items that �eed to be resolvec�. <br />It was the consensus of the City Council to continue ciiscussions of tl�e Highway i O/Highway 95 <br />Projeet at a work sessian. <br />City Adrninistrator Klaers stated the City has 90 days to appro��e or disapprove Municipal <br />Cansent now that the pubiic hearing has been completed_ <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />None. <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. Consider Purchase of New Water Meter Readers <br />PubEic Works Directar Maurer stated the City's co�nmercial/industr-iai water meters and reade�s <br />were replaced in 1997/1998 and the residential water meters were replaced in 20Q1. They were <br />repiaced with Badger water meters and Trace readers. The r�eters were expected to have a 20 to <br />30 year iife and are still functioning we1L T�e readers were expectec� to hav� a i 0 to 1 i year life, <br />which �s currently at i#s end. The Trace read�r is no longer produced 1laving been discontinued in <br />2005. New Trace readers are not available and replacement parts are very dif�cult to locate_ As <br />the original batteries begin to fail, repIacemet�t batteries car� be fovnd but replacemeni baCteries <br />have had a severeIy shortened life and rnany of the aetual readers have started ta iail. 7'l�e Cit}� <br />�as 230 cort�rriercial/industrial meters and 2,422 residential rneters. Currently there are 20 <br />commercial/industria� meters and S residential meters that are read manualIy due to faited readers_ <br />Tnat n�mber is expected to continue to grow_ The currer�t system is remote reading, meanin;g a <br />Public Works staff rr�ember simply drives the street with an eleetronic reader, which re�rtate�y <br />reads the meters. Once the meters are read, a disc of information is provided to the Finance <br />Departtnent far biJling purposes. One other issue that has come to Staff's attention is the FCC has <br />