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�ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL W4�K SESSION — JANUARY 18, 20 i i 7 <br />x <br />Councilmember T�oiden, referrir�g to Mn/DOT's November 29�' Letter, asked w�at t�e Coun�y's <br />position is on �te�n �4 "The City requests that Mn/,�OT affirm the intentions for 2f}IS <br />reconstruction of County Road E bridge over TH.�1 and conside� the passibiliiy of moving this <br />construction up in #arne ta rnatch the balance of the regianal constructian (for 6id economies of <br />seale and logistics)_ The City may be able to advance the funds necessary for thzs eanstructaon <br />given a firtn repayment in 2015. " <br />Mr. Lux s�ated the Couniy doesn't beiieve �aat the year is that critical. They ace �ot happy with <br />the bridge design as fhe turn Lanes are too shart and the transitians inta t�e tum lanes are shar�r <br />than state afd standaxds. He added; they ailso €hitilc it ne�ds a center left turn lane and they're <br />concerned because the six foot shaulders discussed with MnIDQT previously are being reduced to <br />two feet. In addition, he exptair�ed ti�ere is no provision for a trail or sidewalk. Ar�other concerr�, <br />Mr. Lax stated, is that t�e Caunty beiieves a 75 year bridge should not b� built to standards of 40 <br />years ago. He stated the Mar�JDQT "traf€ic people" �vere not l�appy t�at rhey hadn't been <br />consuIted nn the bridge design. Alsa, the ieft turn onto Connelly by the McDonald's is tight. <br />Councilmember Holu�es asked if �ey would agree ta tnE design. <br />Mr. Lux responded the County ho�es they wi�l but the County vvill probably be asiced ta pay. <br />Counciimember H�lden as�Ced who the lead is on the Hwy 10196 project. <br />Mr. Lux statcd the Caur�ty is ti�e pre-design Iead a�d Mn/DOT is the canstruction Iead. <br />Cn��cilrnember Holden asked. if 2014 woutd work %r the Gounty as far as tirr�ing on the Coi�.t�ry <br />�oad E proje��_ - <br />Mr. LuY responded t�at it wou�d. <br />Mayor Gra�t asked if it is the County's intent to appiy for ST�' funding in 20t 1. <br />Mr. Lux s�ated he was not sure if they wauld ap�ly far ST,P fux�.ds fo� the E bridge. <br />Councilmember Holanes asked if �,egacy fc�nds could be used far Chis project. <br />Cou�ci[member Werner stated that he betieves #k►e Legacy funds are for parks a�d trails a�zJ.y bnt <br />he vsrili get more details and. r�part back to the Co�ncil. <br />2. C Revie�v of Praposed �OlI Fee Scl�edule <br />City Administrator HIaers rev�iewed the proposed changes. <br />Councilmember I-�olden asked if we have a color copier to provide rr�aps when requested. <br />Cxty Admi�istrator HI�ers explained t�at there is only a sma�i color copier at City Hal� and that <br />we have to rely on Rosevilie for printing larg� colo� mags. <br />