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3C, 2011 Fee Schedule Discussion
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3C, 2011 Fee Schedule Discussion
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10/24/2024 10:38:09 AM
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8/24/2011 1:47:07 PM
City Council Work Session Aug 15, 2011
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Al2.DEN HT�,LS CITY COUNCIL — Decemibe� 13, 20 � a 4 � <br />4.C. Approve 20i1 Liquor License Renewals (con�inuedj <br />meeting. Staff received the Cerkifcate of �nsurazzce for #he Ho�iday Station today ax�d this coulc� <br />be added to �l�e list at ttiis tinae for a�proval. <br />MOT�QN: Ma ar Har stead moved and Councelu�ember Graut secouded a aiatian #o <br />A ravc the 2011 Li uor Licettse Renewal A licatio�s as Sub�ilted <br />X�zcindin t�e Hoiida Stafion L'teense for 3!2 Be�r. T�e mofion carried <br />unanimausi 5-D . <br />4D. Approve Qrdinance �010-p�5 Ado�ting tt�e 2011 Fee Sci�edule <br />Counciimember Hoinoes ex�ressed concerns becayse in fhe past the City would �eview the �'ee <br />sehedule ite� by item. This vvoaici. allaw the Co�c�i to Iooic at the increases azid disc�ss #h�se in <br />gr�ater detai�. The fee schedule has been un the Consent Calendar �or th� last twu years_ She <br />asked if the Cvunci! wouEd be interested in ha�ving this iiern reviewed at a worksession. <br />Counci��ember Hotden stated s�e had several ques�ions regardir�g the increases �neludin.g the <br />fees for recycling bir�s an page 1 l, and for the �ar�Cs azad park pavilians where residents are pa.ying <br />�xtore than non profit residents. <br />Mayur Harpstead s#ate� #his item coutd �e braught to a wortcsession for f�a�ther review. <br />Cau�ne�imember I�ol�aes stated she wo��c� ii�te to see this discUssed at a worksession beca�se <br />tl�ese fees have not been reviewec� and c�scussed by �e Council for two years. <br />M01'iON. Cauueil�nem�er Hol�er� mo�ed a�c} Councilme�ber Grant seconded a motio� <br />�o '�''abte Urdina�uce 20I0-Oi5• Ado ti� t�e 2U11 Fee Schedute t€r the Firsf <br />Worksession i� Janua 2011 for �'ut�ther Discussio�. T�e mot�on carried 4 <br />� <br />Ayes: Mayar Harpstead, Councilmembers Hoi►x�es, Gra�t, and Hoiden <br />Nays: Cou�cilmember Mc��ung <br />4E, Mur�[ Contest for �he New C� Raii Trai� Crs�ssing on �Id S�telling Avenue <br />Parks and Recreaftou Manager Mic�elle O�sa� stated at the November lb, 2010 meeting, #�ae <br />PTRC Chair init�ated discussion on tt�e idea of a City sponsored aa-t contest fo� a m�ai an t�e <br />retainir�g wall for the new pathway under #he CP Rail Bricige a,n Q�d Sne�ling Avenue. The <br />co�nmittee was receptive to the idea and suggested that this type of contest couid produce an <br />artistic rnural that ea�id assist in, detez�ring grat�iti arkists from tagging the a.rea, Specific details <br />regar�ng potentia� prizes f4r the wi�er �vere not discvssed. <br />Cauncilme�uber Halden siated there were no b�dget impact nuxr�bers �royided. The City would <br />have to eover the cost af having #�e muraI pain#ed anci addi�iona� costs For sponsor�ng ihe conEest <br />and providing prizes. She would like to know wha� these costs woutd be befare approving t�e <br />
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