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A�. The additional plots are only available hal� price after May 2nd, if available. In <br />2011, there were only 2 additional plots available. The secand plot discount was <br />designed to sell the last plots because they have sometimes not sold. The extra <br />revenue helps with the maintenance costs. <br />5. The trees have grown over the years and the number of plots has been reduced fram <br />the past. The City used to have 24 plois available. A combination of poor soils <br />and shaded conditions, ha�e prever�ted the City irorr� selling more than the current <br />15. <br />6. The soils and low area where the gardens are have on occasion caused tl�e City ta <br />re-till, depending on weather conditions. <br />Staff researched surrounding corrxmunities regarding garden plat fees and have included <br />them for Counc�l review (Attachment I). <br />Citv Hall Room Rental <br />The City adopted the City HaII Meeting Room Rental and Related Fees Policy in <br />November, 2004 {Attachment J}. The fee and poIicy has not been changed since that <br />time. Factors considered when establishing the�e fees and this policy: <br />1. City Hall is not open 24 hours and is not staffed for evening building use. <br />Therefare, the Recreation Department has traditionally found someone io wark ihe <br />building during the rental. This is the reason for the fees being set as they are, to <br />covar the administrative fees, staffing, set up and clean up. <br />2. The upstairs conference roam and Council Chambers are not included as a rentable <br />room due to the access to the internal ofiice area and the audio �isual equipment. <br />3. Weekday da�irne use is free of charge, contingent on availability. <br />4. A priority list was established and is listed on the form. Arden Hills Ciry business <br />takes priority over aIl other users. <br />5. All after hours rentals are coniingent on finding a staff inember to open, monitor <br />and close up the building. <br />Land Use,Applica#ians <br />In preparation for the adoptian of the 2009 Fee Schedule, Planning Staff researched land <br />use application fees of surrounding communities, and �nunicipalities throughout the <br />Metropolitan Area. At that time fees were adjusted to reflect comparabla rates with other <br />communities. For the 2010 Fee Schedule, Staif once again reviewed the City's land use <br />fees and made changes ihat clarified the fees being charged versus the escraws fees that are <br />held an� then released upon completion of a praject. <br />The City's current fee schedule in regards to planning cases is structured as an ala carte <br />approach; meaning that applications that involve multiple types of requests are charged <br />accordingly. Most notably, fees for PUD and CUP Amendments were reduced, with the <br />intention that if the application also included a Site Plan Review, an a�ditional $250 fee <br />wo�ald be added. For exampl�, when Arden Plaza applied far an extension to their <br />IlMetro-irtet.uslarclenhillslPRcPcPWlParkslMemoslCouncil Memosl0$152011 Fee Schedule Discussion.cloc <br />