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7B, Planning Case 11-016 - Arden Plaza Final PUD Amendment and
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7B, Planning Case 11-016 - Arden Plaza Final PUD Amendment and
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:39:10 AM
Creation date
8/26/2011 7:51:55 AM
Reg City Council Meeting August 29, 2011
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1. The applicant shall continue to abide by tlie conditions of a11 previous Master PUD <br />and Final PUD for Phase �, permiis, and reviews, except as hereinaiter azxaended. <br />2. The project shall be completed in accordance witl� the submitted plans as amended hy <br />the conditions a� approval. Ar�y significani changes to these plans, as determined by <br />the City Planner, shaIl require review and approvai hy tTze Planning Commission and <br />City Council. <br />3. The applicant shall file the Final Plat with Ramsey County witlun 180 days af ihe <br />approval from the City. <br />4. A development agreement amendment shall be prepared by ihe City Attorney and <br />subject to City Council approval. The agreement shall be executed prior to ihe <br />issuance of any permits or site preparation. <br />5. The applicant hereby agrees to waive their right to appeal any special assessments <br />levied against Lot 1, Lot 2, or Lot 3�or streetscape improvements, associated with the <br />unplez�n.entation af the Guiding Plan for the B-2 District, provided that, the special <br />assessments do not exceed an arnount equal to $35Q per lineal foat of frantage on <br />County Road E and further provided that the properties are specially assessed in the <br />same rr�anner as other similarly situated parcels. <br />6. The applicant sha11 construct parking lot and landscaping i�npxovements pre�iously <br />plar�ned for Phase I, as well as pravide a plan far updating the rest of the existing <br />retail center, as part o�Ph.ase II. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commissianer comments. <br />Cor�issioner Zimmerman questioned a gaihering area that was part of the Building 1 <br />and Building 3 pian. Ciiy Planner Meagan Beekman stated Building 2 would ha�e a <br />gathering area as part of the standards. With the exclusion of Building 3 there is no need <br />for outdaor seating or outdoor gathering a�ea. Bike racks wi�l be part of Phase � a1o�g <br />with a park bench. The pedestrian connection is part o� Phase i. <br />Chair Larson questioned the d'afference between the CVS plan and Phase I plan. City <br />Planner Meagan Beekman explained that with the elimination of Building 3, the <br />pedestrian connection could be re-oriented and ihe stairs could be eliminated. An ADA <br />ramp will be constructed in place of the stairs. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked if a restaurant or coffee shop was included in Phase I. Ciry <br />Planner Meagan Beekman staied ii is not part of phase Y. <br />Chair Larson noted ihe drawings appear sparse on t�ie interiar and asked if all three rain <br />gardens would be constructed with this phase. City Planner Meagan Be�kman stated the <br />t�iree rain gardens were part of Rice Creek Watershed District's requirements. <br />Mx. Steve Wellington, President Wellington Management stated alI three rain gardens <br />will be part of Phase I. Chair Larson asked if some planiers could be added that could be <br />moved as necessa�y. Chaar Larson asked if the retaining wall would be �art of the new <br />pedestrian ramp. Mr. Wellington stated the retaining wall will be xeconfigured off <br />Lexington. <br />
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