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Mr. Jon Lennander, Velmeir Companies showed brick samples and indicated he is <br />familiar with the CVS building plan. <br />Chair Larson asked what would be included in tiie graphics on the windows. Mr. <br />Lennander stated they are related to ihe CVS brand, graphic representation of what CVS <br />sells. The graphics have not yet been designed for this site. Chair Larson asked when the <br />graphics wauld be reviewed. Mr. Lennander stated he wiil fo�vard to Ms. Beekman the <br />standard graphic package. <br />Commissioner Hames asked if there could be Arden Hills' specific type of graphics. <br />Chair Larson asked what �arm %�ie graphic talces. Mr. Lezanander stated either an adhesive <br />film that attaches to the window or a%am core. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated he would also like to see so�ne City specific type <br />graphics. <br />Chair Larson asked how commercial advertising signs are handled in the sig� code. City <br />Planner Meagan Beekman stated the graphics they are referring to would not qualify as <br />advertising signs. The City would have total control over what graphics are being used <br />on ihe Arden Hills CV�. <br />Commissioner Zimmerrnan asked if the graphics a�re season specific. Mr. Lennander <br />stated he believes the graphics are changed but he is not as close to the building after it is <br />constructed. <br />Co�.znissioner Hames asked which windows would be the non-transparent. Mr. <br />Leru�ander stated ihey are the darker windor�vs in the drawings. <br />Mr. Lennander reviewed the modifications that have been made since the lasi time ihey <br />appeared before the Commission. Cor�unissioner Holewa asked why there wauld be <br />windows if you could noi see through them. <br />Cl�air Larson stated it would be better than a brick wall, noting the windaws are more to <br />break up the brick wall rather than illuminate the inside of the siore. <br />Commissioner Hames stated she appreciates the faci they have increased the amount of <br />glass fram the last plan. �he is no� bothered by the nan-transparent glass. <br />Chair Larson opened the publzc hearing at 7:07 p.m. <br />Chair Larson invited anyone for or against ihe application to come forwa�rd and make <br />comment. <br />