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Mr. Joe Commers stated he is the owner of the TCF and American Red Cross building <br />just to the West. He stated they were very impressed when they heard the plan for CVS <br />to build. Mr. Commerce indicat�d they are in fizll support of the plan and invited the <br />Commissioners to call him if they have any quesiions. Mr. Co�nmers stated the entrance <br />also very acceptable. <br />There being no other camments, Chair Larson closed the pu�lic hearing at 7:12 p.m. <br />Chair Larson suggested adding a condition for review of the graphics ta the approval. <br />Camrnissioner Zimmerman suggested ii be left up to Staff and Council to approve. <br /> Larson questioned Condiiion 6, and asked if the �Commission is willing to wait for <br />updating the Iandscaping improvernents and parking lot u�til Phase II. <br />Mr. Wellington stated there are plans foz� the existi�g retail center which he would be <br />very willing to share with the Commission. He would like to delay that; however, until <br />after the CVS is completed. Construction is �lanned far 4-6 months. <br />Cornrnissioner Thom�son stated the plans for the e�isiing retail center need not be xrzade <br />public but ii should be known ihere are some plans far the center. City Planner Meagan. <br />Beekman suggested thai be looked at after the CVS building is completed. <br />Chair Larson asked the Commission if they were corr�fortable vvith the wording of <br />Condition 6. City Planner Meagan Beekman stated it would depend on what the pafli <br />would be to determine the timeline. There may be some interim irnprovements �liai could <br />be made. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated he feels the parking lat update vvould be mare neaar term <br />than the updating of fhe exisiing retail center. Mr. Wellingto� stated th.e more realistic <br />plan would be refacing the existing retail center. Mr. Wellington would not hesitate to <br />engage in conversatians with and the Coznmission about the future of the existing <br />retail center. <br />Comrnissioner Hames suggested Condition 6 b� divided into two separate conditions as <br />follows: <br />6. The appiicani shall construct parking lot and landscaping improvements previously <br />planned for Phase I. <br />7. Provide a plan far updating �he rest of the existiz�g retail center as part of the Phase II <br />plan. <br />City Planner Meagan Beekman explained the Cflndition az�.d suggested the wording <br />remain as proposed. <br />