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4H, Wage Increase for Non-Union Employees
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4H, Wage Increase for Non-Union Employees
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:38:58 AM
Creation date
8/26/2011 8:25:42 AM
City Council Meeting August 29, 2011
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ARDEN �I�i, C�UNCu.. -- S tON — AUGUST..I_.k.20i0 __..._.._.___._ � <br />�-A �ibrcr�-y Proposal Cl�drrte (continued) <br />Councrlmember Gra�t c�uestianed �� the �ity had rec�iwed a�ty fiarther infonnatia� on poter�tial <br />op��ating costs. <br />CRf.p Admin�s#rator Kiaers indica�ed t�e City �as not. I-�e stated t(�� tirning Q�'t�e F�AC meetiag <br />woufd be tight for passing alo�g iitiflrmatiar� tv tF�e Library Board. A special Councii rneeting <br />may need ta be ca��ec� tfl review ��e in�arcz�ation wi�in the proper tira-�e[in�. He added t�at t�e <br />Cou�cii sho�l� diseuss whether or not they �rere i�terested in using �`IF for Presbyterian Homes if <br />the tibrary uras nat i�cluded in the redeve[opment_ <br />Mayor Har�stead stafed T�F �ad to be �sed for�-�ction or infrast�cture, specific tc� <br />p�-operiy i�prover�ents, and the �ot�ntia� �or TIF w�s there. He in�ieatcd the to€a� content oF �lie <br />pro�osed deve[opnner�i would determine �zis decisio�, as TiF cQ�td r�ot be �ased �or operating <br />ex�enses for the Lfbrary. Tk�e overali mix of the deve�oQment r�aay justify the use of `I�F when <br />looking at rhe pcoject in tatal. <br />Councitmernber Holden exp�a�ned tt�e facitity �vas being utilized every day and i�ecause it was <br />flid does nat r�ean it needs to be repiaced. <br />Co�ncit�ember Holmes questian:ed wt�at fiuther inforr�ation was needed from Presbyteriac� <br />�-tornes. <br />City Ad�inistratar Klaers stated a pra forma frarra Ehlers Evas in the works and Ehlers vvo�ld }ie <br />present at tt�e ��AC meeting. <br />�a�nc��s�e��P�- tr�w�t s�€ggestec� s��'wc�rk to gaf�ec as rnuch infarmatiar� as passrble to gvt ihe <br />�rocess started. <br />Mayor Harpstead agreed and requested sta#�begin gathering ��e ��cessary info�nation. <br />B. 2(� 1��3ud e� tICIP <br />Fir�ance Director Iverson �resented the Ciry Co�ncal with t�ie 20i 1�udget. She reviewed the <br />overail changes fro�n the 2�E0 budget �o�ir�g ti�ere was an addit�ana{ staf�' person added to the <br />f nance department a.n.d tnterns inta adEninistratior�, Tlx� �ity has a great deal o€ clean up wor�C <br />and the i�terns have I�een e�fective in comp[eting these tasks and ti�ey also have he(�ed to ge� rid <br />of audit findir�gs with timely recancilia#zor�_ Oyera�l, the recent persot�nel c}�anges made tQ staff <br />resulted in a$19,a00 increase i€tt the budget, ir�surance rates wo�Ed be bacEc to the City a[ the end <br />af Au�st ar early September. S�ie expected �he rates tv be favorable. The budget reilected a <br />10% ir�erease Eor henefi�s, but this rnay be reducec�. <br />Financ� Di�-ectar Iversar� reviewed the budg�� �urther exptaining a t°10 increas� fn COLA for � <br />2fl t 1 urauld ir�pact the generat fund by a�out $1 �,fl00 a�� abaut $fi,(}0Q in spee�ai funds. <br />Mayar HarQstead quesrioned i�'the �inance s�£�',n�e�i�er would be a o�e year deal ar oz�-going. <br />
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