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� LS CIT ORK �ESSION -- AUG T 1 2 <br />.2. B 20I ,f BudgetfClP (contrnuedj <br />�'i�a�ce Director I�erson statec� this coutd �e tried fQr on�e year, but wou[d be an or�Qi�g need o� <br />the CitY- <br />Ma.yor Harpstead c�uestio�e�i ifthe persv�el changes inciuded Terry and pak. <br />Fe��nce Dfrec#or �verso�e �ndicated t� vvas �e ease and the b€tdget atso t'e�ected the �ew €�ire <br />of a �Qrn3n�ruty De�e�opme�t Direc�ar_ <br />Cour�cilmember ��olden quesiiane.� how the adrrr�nistrative intems wouid be fi�n�.e�d. <br />Fina�ce Di�rector Zversfln explained this was a iine ite� and was budgeted �n ad�.i�istration. <br />Maynr Harpstead as�Ced i�there woul� be any change in the admir�strative ir�terns from 2UI0 to <br />201 � . <br />Fivance Dxrector Zverso� projec�ed tf�e�e wduld be a$4,00� reduction in inter€� expenses for <br />��ance with an $5,000 inerease in adr�zzr�istratzon. <br />CiLy A��inistrator Kiaers indicated sta££was �ot ceriain l�ow the Counci� fe�t abo�t increases « <br />wages or henefts. He noted the ut��an contract wit� Pub�ic Works wouid need to be �egatiat�[. <br />He haped to reach. a thcee year cor��ract with the �ian. He suggestec� the Counci� consider the <br />inc�ses made by s�rraunding comrnuni�ies be#'ore estabfish�ng any i�cr� <br />Fia�nce Directar �versan stated the budget reflected a 3% CQLA incr�s� at this tir�e_ <br />H��.vever, she recomr�ended tt� Cou€tci€ ta.lce :�e wa�e i�creases ar�ti put �em tnko a can�ingency 4� <br />fund unt�I t�is percentage was fi�ized arzd staffir�g was decided. <br />�o�nciirreember Haiden q�es�oned who wouid �,andle �he union negotiat�vr�s. <br />City Adnair�"rsfrator Klaers statec� �e would negotiate wit� t[�e �nion, and sta.tec� in the p�t �e <br />has useci a consultar�t to assist with negatiatians as �his keeps things ne��ra� and professiotiai. <br />Mayor Har�stead asked 4�vhen the negotiatitins would taice place. <br />C�ty Ad�uni�is�xatvr Kt��rs es�imated this urould taice p�ace in several monttzs, ar�d l�e woutd <br />rria�e a r�co�nendatio� tn Counci� prior to tl�e negotiatio�,s on how Sta#� wishes to proceed. <br />Co�n.c�I�e�ber Ho[�es asked, based on the current niunbers ar�d gersoz►s�et changes, if the levy <br />uTould have to increase 4-5%. <br />