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1 <br />ARDEN HCLL WQRK �SS�ON — AUGUST 16 20 I O 5 <br />.�_B Z�II Budget/CI'P (cantimrec�� <br />Finance �irector Tversou explaa�ed there v�ras a proposed levy increase o€ 3.4°/a rvitlz a�l budget <br />increases as sta�ed within the bu�ge� �ook at �his time. Tl�e nEur�ber wauid decz�ase i�ths Cannci[ <br />rnade c#ecreases. <br />Mapor Harpstead suggested the Councit now a�dress the tota.( budget, si�tce the personne� issues <br />have beer� disct�ssed. <br />Ca�nci�menaber Gra�rt sta,�ed he did not recalC discussing additional personnei for tk�e �inance <br />depar�ment. <br />Fi�ance DErector Iversou indicated t�iis �c� �at yet bee� discussed by the eauncil as a grc�up, <br />but several Councilrnemb�rs had discc�ssions with her anci tI-►e C�ty A�zni�istrator. The numbers <br />�uere inclutl�d jus� to show �he Ca�cil hovv €t woutd afFect th� b�dge�. <br />Co�acit�ne�mbex Ho�den suggested �he additional �r��ce staff member as this department <br />seemed �o be be�iind. She felt the addi�zor�al stafi would greatly benefit the City and allow this <br />departine�t to ca#�ch u�. <br />Mxyor C�arpstead e�tai�ed he wou�d be reluctar�t tQ add as�other staff r�e�nber to this <br />departrz�ent He feit neighborn�g c��ies �ad simii�r �x�ance systems and a joint powers <br />arcangement could be esta.blished to shaire one half of the pasition. He questioned how cr�any <br />hours t�e cunrent inierres were working. <br />Finance D�rec�o�- �versou ir�dicated one i�tern wor�cs about 44 hours pe� wee�C w�ile t�e other <br />warks be�reen 10-20 hours per wee�C. <br />City A,d�ai�istrator Klaers stated t�e firrance departme�t did �ave a�,eed in the short te�rn, ��t <br />long terrn the City may nat have the need. He suggested tt�e Co�cil consi��r a ane year con#ract <br />for this posi�ion. <br />CQancilm�ember I�oim�s suggested the Personne[ Cornmittee d�scz�ss tkfas further acid po�entia[�y <br />put S�e ini� a F�ance DirectorlAssistaxxt Ci€y Administ�atnr posihon fc�r the City_ <br />Cou��eciImernber Halden asked vsrho was complet�r�g t€u�€an resource tastcs at this tirne. <br />Fivance D�rector Iverson indicated she was �iar�dliz�g huunan resources. <br />CEty Ac�ministrator Klaers stated �ere was no one ind'zvid�a� fihat hanc��ed a�� Qf the human <br />resa�-r,�s at this �ixne. He indicated the Deputy Cier3c did not �ave t�re expe�ence necessary tQ <br />complete all vf the I�uman Resaarce tasks_ Typ�catly the City Adnainistrator does not hanc�.ie <br />tk�ese tasks be�t makes recom�endativns to Council. Currently Sue is the anly one with the <br />experier�ce and ski�[ se� to supervise E�ese �ctit►ns. <br />Co��celmember �cCluug camrnented �e was ur�cornfortab�e wiih t(-�is discussion in �a� this <br />issue should �ave came 6efore the[ �rrior to the bu�get discussian. He felt an <br />csrganizational chai# of the City shQ�ld be reviewed �rt�e�r. <br />