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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCiL WORK SESS�ON -- MARCH 21, 20I 1 2 <br />2. STAF�' UPDATES <br />A. Preli�ninary Review of Joint Meeting <br />Public Works Director Maurer expiained that he wanted to review expeetations for this <br />evening's 3oint �neeting_ He stated that he had made Et very clear to the Parks, Trai�s & Recreation <br />Coar�mittee (PTRC) rnembers that this would be their opportunity to talk with Council, to ask <br />questions and get direction frorr� the Council. He r�ra.nted t�e�n ta understand that this wo�id not <br />be a Staif driven exchange. <br />S. Sheriff's Gontract <br />Ci#y Admi�istrator Klaers s�ated that the 2410-2012 Law Enforcem�nt Agreement with Rarr�sey <br />Co�r�ty was scheduled for renewal at the end af 2009. The agree�nent is identical to t�e previous <br />tl�ree-year contract_ W� are now �nzdway tlaraugh �e contract �eriod without �aving renew�d the <br />contract. He further explained that there is a termination clause in the contract requirit�g a 9 <br />rnonth nat�ce of intent to not renew. He poi�ted out that the new Sheriff has pla.�-is ta monitar the <br />quality of services provideci to contract cities. He asked if the Cou�cil wants this rr�atter on their <br />next agenda so action can be taken_ <br />Councilmer�ber Halden commented that the Council sitt�pfy war�ted th� Sheriff ta do wk�at they <br />were sup�osed to dn under the contract Now, she stated, it seems that they are actually enforcing <br />the City's ordinances and she would vote to approve renewal. <br />Mayor Grant stated that the Ca�ncil should give �he new Sheriff a chance to irnprove the <br />services and he agreed that things �ave beer� ge�tirtg better. <br />After sorne discussia�, t�e consensus of the Couneil was to place the Sherifi's cantract an tt�e <br />March 28`h Council agenda urzder Consent. <br />C. Non-Union Wage Adjustme�f <br />City Ad�ni�istrator Klaers expIained that ��is tnatter had been discussed during the budget <br />pracess. The City has 25 full time empiayees, eight of which a�-e union empIoyees. In 2010 the <br />union ernp�oyees were granted a 3% ineFease whi�e there was r�o increase for no�-union <br />ernployees_ He stated now thai the �ior� contract negotiations have �ee� completed; he would <br />�i�Ce the Council ta consider an increase to allow t�te non-union employees to "catc� up" in terms <br />of wages. He suggested a 1��D tO �% increase for nan-union employees with 1% to be retroactive <br />to January l and then a 1% increase effective Juiy 1. He exp�ained that there are monies available <br />in the contingency fund for this increase. <br />Councilmernber Wer�ner questioned w�at surrout�ding cit�es are doir�g as far as pay ir�creases. <br />City AdEnin�strator Klaers stated that some co►-�m�nities are not affering any increases, sorne <br />are giving I% ar�d others, such as St. Anthony, ha�e apprc�ved a 2% it�crease. <br />