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4H, Wage Increase for Non-Union Employees
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4H, Wage Increase for Non-Union Employees
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:38:58 AM
Creation date
8/26/2011 8:25:42 AM
City Council Meeting August 29, 2011
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ARDEN HILLS C�TY COUNCIL WQRK SESSION — MA.RCH 21, 2011 3 <br />Cou�ncilmem�er HoIden sEated she daesn't think the Council shauld be cancemed wit�► <br />"catehing-up" to Public Works employees; the cotnparison should be with other like cities. <br />City Adaui�istrator K�aers stated that a survey of sunroun:ding cities was nat dane at this time <br />b�t the City did recent[y fi�e for pay equity corr�pliance anc� found that the inierna� balance <br />bet�ueen male dotninated ciasses and �e�nale dominated classes has s�ipped. <br />Mayar Grant agreed with Cou�cii�nember Holden that we should not be concenned about <br />"catching up" and he toa wondered how we corr�paire to neighboring cities. <br />Counciimember Ta�mble expressed eancern that not granting an increase to nan-unio� <br />employees would give the appea3raz�.ce that the Council valued Pu�ilic Works employees more. <br />Mayor Grant stated that it comes down to "what they make for what they're daing" and in ilaa� <br />regard, we do need ta be com��t�tive with ather cit�es. <br />Couneilmember Tanab[e stated that if the Public Works empIoyees were �zon-uz�ion, then all <br />employees would be treated the sar�ne. <br />Co�ncilmember Hoiden stated that there are same s�aff inemhers who have specialized jobs and <br />i� those staff members choose to [eave the City, the cost to trair� replacezrients wo�id be hig�ter <br />than tt�e proposed pay increase. <br />Mayor Grant painted out that staff ine�nbers continue to rece'rve step increases until ihey are at <br />the top of their pay grade. <br />�o�neilme�ber �o�de� stated tt�at step increases have been suspended at times, a.�d she added <br />that there is no such ihing as�onuses in the pubiic sector as tl�ere is in the private sector. <br />Councilmember Halmes commented that ba.sed on what is gving on in the economy and what <br />ati�er cities a�-e do�ng, she doesn't see how the Cauncil could give mare thazi. a 1% increase. She <br />added that federaI ernpioyees arer�'t getting an increase and many businesses are nat i�creasing <br />��Y- <br />Couneii�xae�tber Werner agreed vc�it� Counciimernber Hoimes. <br />Co�r�cil�ember Hoiden statec� that since the non-u�ior� emplo�ees received nfl increase last year, <br />the Co�zncil sho�ld consider giving a 1% increase effective January 1 and a I% effective <br />September 1. <br />Councilmember Tam�ble stated that if this would be considered a cast of living increase, it <br />shouId be parallel arnong all ernployees. <br />City Administrator Klaers cotr�r;ented #hat giving some increase in 2011, after giving no <br />adjustrr►ent in 2010, watzld be considered a show of faith and support for not�-ttnion employees. <br />
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