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ARDEN HILLS CITY COL3NC�L WORK SESSION --- MARCH 21, 201 t 4 <br />After some discussion, the consensus of the Councii was to grant a 1% increase effective January <br />1 and revisit this topic i�n July. Staff was direeted to ptace this matter under Cot�sent on the <br />Council's Marc� 28�' agenda. <br />2.D I-694/TH S�. Interchange Project <br />P�blic Works Director Maarer expiained that on February 9, Senator Goodwin ar�d <br />Representative Knuth I�eld a tneeting with MnDOT, Ra�sey Coun�y, and Arden Hills officials to <br />disc�ss tt�e I-694-/TH 51 Ir�terchange Project. He re�viewed a follow-up letter frorn MnDOT <br />addressing the City's 14 conditions for denying rn�anicipal consent. He also reviewed a letter fro�n <br />Joe Lu�c of Raxx�:sey County clarifying three of the cor�ditiox�s ac�dressed in MnDOT's Ietter_ He <br />stated tl�e key poincs in each letter az�e: <br />1. On Candition #2, MnDQT states that the City is nn longer pursuing tt�e noise wall so <br />they wiil remove it frorr� the construction pia.ns_ StaFf has taliced to MnDOT a.nd <br />informed them that this is not what was said at the meeting on Febz-uary 9. Staf#' <br />reminded MnDOT t�a� we indicated aur �eeling t�at the City would forego the no�se <br />wall if freeing up approxi�ate�y $1,000,000 Qf MnDOT fiir�ding would �elp wit� <br />MnDOT funding needed traf�ic ixr�prove�nents on Lexington Avenue_ <br />2. 4n Condition #3, regarding t�sing excess material generated on the praject for building <br />bertns to help with noise nniiigation; MnDOT gave a more detailed expianation at the <br />ineeting tk�at #he r�eed to buiid storm water ponds, iimited right-of way, and topography <br />of the excess right-of-way rz�ade it impossible to build �ertt�s af sufficient length and <br />heig�t to provide sFgiifcant noise rt�itigatian. With this mare detailed explanation, it <br />was agreed that b�ilding af berzns was no longer needed. <br />3. O� Conditio� #5, MnDOT basicalty has giv�n t�e sarne answer abaut potential City <br />costs with their praject. Ramsey County's letter c�arifes even fu�her potential cast <br />from a Counry project on L�xington Avenue_ It appears that the City casts far both <br />projects will be �odest. <br />4. Condition �6 �eals with MnDOT co�itting funds to he�p Ramsey County wi€� <br />needed irr►provements on Lexington Avenue due to the interckzange project_ Staff has <br />had several conversations with Mr. McBride a�d .Tim Tolaas regarding this is�ue. Mr. <br />McBride has been very cieai- that M�DOT poliey prohibits thern frorn cor�vr�itting in <br />writing to having funding available far the Co�nry project as the fi�nds come frotr� a <br />cotnpetitive program at Mz�.DOT. Mr. McBride did telt staff that MnDOT would do <br />evetything it co�ld to heip the County with the Lexington Avenu� improvennenis. <br />Staff as�Ced Mr. McBride to cail Jirn Tolaas to discuss this and then ask Mr. ToIaas to <br />cail the Ciry_ Staff did receive a phone call frorr� Mr. Taiaas stating that he talked to <br />Mr. McBride and tt�at the County is fully cammitted to maki�g the necessary <br />itnprovements to Lexington Avenue and they feel MnDOT wil� heip with �unding. <br />5. Condition #7 deaIs wi#h �naking irnpravements to the Lexingtoa Avenue Bri�ge i4 <br />lengthen the ieft tux� �anes. Mt�DOT has co�mitted to making this change including <br />ihe adjustrnents to the signal systems at each end o� the bridge and to do the work <br />