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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — July 25, 2011 9 <br />7.A. Public Works Facility — Floor Drain and Heat Installation (continued) <br />The motion carried unanimously (4 -0). <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />None. <br />9. COUNCIL COMMENTS & STAFF UPDATES <br />Councilmember Tamble stated there are some videos of the flooding that had occurred in Arden <br />Hills on YouTube. <br />Councilmember Holmes reminded residents that Night to Unite is August 2 and the Open House <br />for the Vikings Stadium is August 4. <br />Councilmember Holmes stated there are openings on the Planning Commission: one regular <br />opening and one alternate. She encouraged residents to apply on the City's website. <br />Mayor Grant stated the City had received a check from a local business for the Arden Hills Fall <br />Festival. He gave this to City Administrator Klaers. <br />Mayor Grant stated he had received a letter in regards to the thunderstorms. He gave this to City <br />Administrator Klaers. <br />Mayor Grant requested an updated card with City phone numbers be sent with utility bills. He <br />requested this include numbers for all Councilmembers, Excel Energy and other pertinent City <br />Staff. He suggested the card also include either a number for emergencies or directions on what <br />residents could do in an emergency situation. <br />City Administrator Klaers stated the City has received several calls from residents on Lake <br />Johanna requesting the City look at possible ordinance changes that would restrict boat access and <br />speeds on the lake during emergency high water situations. <br />Mayor Grant stated the boat landing is owned by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) <br />and the City has no authority to close this. The lake is patrolled by Ramsey County according the <br />ordinances that the City has and the DNR. Any changes would need to be communicated with <br />Ramsey County and approved by the DNR. <br />City Administrator Klaers stated Staff has not researched neighboring cities and what their <br />ordinances state. Staff will look into this and provide this information and recommendations to <br />the Council at a future work session. <br />Mayor Grant asked if it would be possible for the Council to put something in place that allowed <br />the City to declare an emergency during a rain event that included a no wake zone and limited <br />boat access. <br />