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City Council Minutes
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9/13/2011 2:52:02 PM
Creation date
9/13/2011 2:51:07 PM
8-15-11 Worksession Minutes
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8-15-11 Worksession Minutes
8-15-11 Worksession Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — AUGUST 15, 2011 10 <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated that Staff is seeking direction as to how the Council <br />would like to proceed. The three options for Council to consider are: <br />• Adopt a resolution approving the final layout and providing Municipal Consent. <br />• Adopt a resolution denying approval of the final layout and denying Municipal consent. <br />• Adopt a resolution disapproving the final layout with conditions required for approval. <br />Once the conditions are met by Mn/DOT and/or Ramsey County, the final layout and <br />Municipal Consent are deemed to be approved. <br />Councilmember Tamble stated he agrees with Councilmember Holden's previous suggestion to <br />explore the possibility of an eastbound exit off of northbound US 10 to Highway 96. This has <br />been an issue with several residents in that neighborhood. He understands that this exit can be <br />built, but it has been determined to not be cost effective because it doesn't benefit that many <br />people. He also commented on the need for a southern entrance to the TCAAP property. <br />Discussion ensued with Joe Lux, Ramsey County Public Works, regarding the feasibility of the <br />exit onto Highway 96 referred to by Councilmember Tamble. <br />City Administrator Klaers asked Mr. Lux if the City doesn't grant Municipal Consent, could <br />that result in stopping this project completely because of the timing requirement for funding. <br />Mr. Lux responded that if Municipal Consent is not granted and this goes to the Appeal Board, <br />and if the Appeal Board sides with the City, then the project could be dropped due to increased <br />project costs. He added that the general feeling about the current intersection is that it is not safe <br />and there are huge delays. He then suggested that perhaps the County should get a firm estimate <br />of what that eastbound exit off northbound US 10 onto Highway 96 would cost. He added that <br />this cost may have already been determined and he is just not aware of it. He also pointed out that <br />when TCAAP is developed, an access will be constructed as part of that development and there <br />would need to be at least a quarter mile of separation between that access and the exit ramp being <br />requested by the City. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the closing of Hamline and Snelling at I -694 for about 18 months <br />and how this would impact City traffic during the US 10 and Highway 96 project. <br />Mayor Grant suggested that a traffic count be made of the number cars coming off westbound I- <br />694 and heading north on Lexington Avenue. <br />Public Works Director Maurer explained that the City has until the last week of September to <br />take action on Municipal Consent for the US 10 and Highway 96 project. <br />City Administrator Klaers asked if the Council has other issues that would impact the City <br />granting Municipal Consent. <br />Public Works Director Maurer stated the other issues he has heard previously include a shorter <br />noise wall near the manufactured homes; there was a question about a trail connection from; and <br />one resident was requesting designated access off Highway 96. <br />
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