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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — AUGUST 15, 2011 11 <br />Mr. Lux explained that he, Mr. Maurer and Chris Chromey met with Mr. Cmiel regarding his <br />concerns and they owe him a response. <br />After further discussion, the Council consensus was to request additional analysis from the <br />County. <br />Joe Lux then provided the following updates: <br />• The County Road E bridge is not eligible for federal funding. <br />• He completed the federal funding application for the Lexington Avenue bridge. <br />2. COUNCIL COMMENTS & STAFF UPDATES <br />City Administrator Klaers stated that the Community Development Director has been requested <br />by the City newsletter committee to create an insert for an upcoming edition that reviews TCAAP <br />and the stadium proposal. <br />Mayor Grant reported that he spoke with Greg Mack and Tony Bennett today regarding the <br />stadium proposal and it appears it will take longer than anticipated for the special session to occur <br />for consideration of the stadium bill. He suggested that Councilmembers discuss with the City <br />Administrator any concerns they may have about the stadium and that he or the Community <br />Development Director will be the Staff spokesperson for the City when the Press calls. <br />ADJOURN <br />MOTION: <br />Mayor Grant adjourned the City Council Work Session meeting at 8:26 p.m. <br />//24‘ ezeA4-- <br />Patrick Klaers <br />City Administrator <br />avid Grant <br />Mayor <br />