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Commissioner Thornpson asked if the screening code would be met. City Planner Meagan <br />Beekman stated it's an industrial area and she does not see it to be a problem. The Apache <br />Group wanted their concerns to be part of tlie record. <br />Chair Larson opened the public hearing at 6:49 p.rn. <br />Theze being no other comments, Chaix Larson closed the public hea.ring at 6:50 p.m. <br />Cammissio�er Zimmerman moved and Commissioner Holewa seconded a motion to <br />recommend anoroval of Planzeins Case 11-019, for a P�anned Unit Development <br />__. rd based on the findin�s of fact, su <br />Amendment at 1887 Gatewav Bouleva,._ � ,,,,, bmitted <br />lans and the four conditions in �he Se iember 7 2411 lannin case re ort. The <br />mation carried unani�nauslv (4-0). <br />