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4B, Planning Case 11-019 – Hood Packaging PUD Amendment
City Council
City Council Packets
4B, Planning Case 11-019 – Hood Packaging PUD Amendment
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Last modified
10/24/2024 10:40:24 AM
Creation date
9/22/2011 1:40:20 PM
Sept 26 2011 - Reg City Council Meeting
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the City Pianner, shall require review and approval by the Plar�ning Commission and <br />City Council. <br />2. The three tanks sha11 meet alI applicable Building Code and Fire Code regulations. <br />The app�icant sha11 obtain all required permits prior to installation. <br />3. The three tanks and connecting systems shall comply with the odor, noise, and, othex <br />applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations. Failure ta compiy with <br />these regulatiflns may result in a revocatian of a permi�. <br />4. The silos shall be painted to match the color of the buildi�g. <br />A call was received today frorn the Apache Group and they wexe concerned about the �naterial <br />used �'or ihe containment tank and did not want it highly visible. <br />Chair Larson opened the floar to Commissioner Comments. <br />Chair Larson referred to Section 1325.05 Subd 4.Q and whether staff feels the painting of the <br />silos will be screened if painted ihe saane color as the building. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked to see the picture with the trash compactar. He asked if it could �be <br />wheeled away if desired. <br />Cornmissianer Thompson asked the height of tl�e cantainment tank. Community Development <br />Intern Mei-Ling Anderson re�ponded the containment tanlc is 13 feet hig� and the �ilos are 24 <br />feet tall. She added the Apache Group would be east and it would be a straight on view. <br />Mr. Michael Ramirez, Plant Manager, Hood Packaging Corporation appeared before the <br />Commission. Chair Larson asked if there was a risk of the ink catching fire. Mr. Ramirez stated <br />there would not be a risk. They have received recornmendations froz� the Fire Marshall. <br />Chair Larson asked why one �icture shows the compactor in one location and in another picture <br />it's in a different Iocation. Mr. Ramirez stated it has already been anoved and it is a roll-off <br />dumpster that is picked up approximately once a week. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked if there was a power outage what would happen to the pu.mps <br />going into the containment tank. Mr. Ramirez stated xhere would not be a way to pump it if the <br />power went o�t and it would remain in ihe building. Commissioner Holewa asked if a power <br />generator was owned. Mr. Ramirez stated they have not. Mr. Ramirez staied the roonra itself is <br />24 x 20 �eet at a cost of over $140,000. There was a lot of engineexing and moneq put into the <br />storage room. Ciurently #he d.rums are not secured praperly and the new room wau�d keep the <br />fire coniainment and spill containment and ir�crease iheir chemica.t storage capacity. <br />Chair Larson stated in ihe past companies have used buxied tanks which is not done as often <br />these days. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked about Mr. Ramirez' response to the Apache Group's concerns. <br />Mr. Rarr�irez siated ihe silos would only be visible and the containment tank would probably not <br />be seen. <br />
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