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September 7, 201 �, Draft Planning Commission Minutes <br />Planning Case 11-019; PUD Amend�nent; Hood Packaging Corporation; 1887 Gateway <br />Blvd — Public Hearing. <br />Cammunity Development Intern Mei-Ling Anderson siated the applicani has requested <br />Planned Unit Amendment to install fwo double-walled silos and one containment tank io <br />the southeast side af the building at 1887 Gateway Bouievard. <br />Community Dev�lopment �atern Mei-Ling Anderson reviewed Hood Packaging <br />Corporation is a national campany that manufactures various types of paper and plastic <br />packaging products. The company is a conforrnin.g use in the G-B Zone. There are <br />currently four storage tanks on ihe proper�y that were built foliovv�ng the approval af iwo <br />previous planning cases. This request would add one containment tank an.d two silos to <br />the southeastern side of the property. The containment tank would be loca�ed between <br />the praposed silos �.nd the building. There would be a distance of 4 feet between the <br />containment tank and the concre#e pad on wT�ich the silos would sit. <br />Commur�ity Development Iniern Mei-Ling Andersor� stated t�ie iwo silos in the <br />applicatit's xequest would be 24 feet tall and 12 foot in diameter, and would be placed <br />upon a single 16 by 32 foot concrete pad. The applicant has indicated that the siIos <br />would be paintec� with a high solid polyurethane enamel (semi-gloss fnis�) to match the <br />exieriar of the main building on the property. The silos are needed to store plastic resin <br />pellets that v�rould be �sed to supply their new exirusion laminatar. The pellets vvould <br />reach the inside of the building through 6-inch steel piping, which would connect the <br />silos to the e�trusion laminator. The pipin.g wo�ld iead the pellets directly to �the hopper <br />located. above #he machine. While the �n�imum capacity of each silo wou�d be 65,000 <br />pounds (i,858 cubic feet), the silos are not expected to hold more than 48,000 pounds of <br />material at any one time. <br />Community Development Intez� Mei-Ling Anderson stated the applicant's requesi also <br />includes a 10,000 galton cantainmeni tank. The tank would be approximately 13 feet tall, <br />12 feet in diameter, and would be made of white plastic. A new starage room is being <br />consiruct�d within the building to hold muiiiple 55-gallon closed drums con#aining inlc. <br />The room is designed to be explosion.-proof since the ink has potential to be flamn�able. <br />According to the Fire Marsha�, the external containment tank rnust be able to hold the <br />contents of one of the dr�irl�s if there was a spill. In the event of an accident, the inlc <br />would be pumped into the proposed containnr�ent tank on the exterior of ihe building. <br />Additionally, in the event of a spiIl�d barrel, the contain�nent tax�k would also need to be <br />abie to hold 30 minutes worth of water runoff fro� the sprinkler system in order to <br />suppress a f re or other hazard. <br />Community Development Intern Mei-Ling Anderson reviewed the southeastern side o� <br />the building contains approximately 1.7 acres (73,000 square fe�t) af paved surfaces and <br />is used far storage and loading. As the silos and tank would be bui�t on top of existing <br />imp�r�vious surface, no change in impervious coverage would occwr with this application. <br />