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OVERALL BALANCE: <br />2010 <br />Expense: $18,288.81 (without staffing) <br />Revenue: <$ 5,999.00> <br />$12,289.81 CITY FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION (without staffing) <br />2011 <br />Expense: $ 19,639.77 (without staffing) <br />Revenue: <$ 10,696.00 > <br />$ 8,943.77 CITY FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION (without staffing) <br />Therefore, the 2011 event City contribution came under the projected budget of $10,000 and was <br />$3,346.04 less than 2010. <br />Event Feedback <br />City staff has received many positive comments regarding the event. Included for Council <br />review are copies of a few thank you letters and email received by the City (Attachment B). <br />Staff met with Bethel University on Wednesday, October 5th for a de -brief of the event. The <br />overall impression was good. However, the attendance at the "Fling into the Arts" was less <br />than what staff hoped for. Bethel staff estimates that between 200 -250 people attended <br />throughout the event. The venue was very well received by those that attended. The partnership <br />with Bethel University was very positive and they are open to working with the City in the future <br />on the event. The general consensus from their staff was that the event does not draw enough <br />people at this point to make two venues effective. The idea was brought up to work on <br />increasing numbers in the park and maybe doing two venues every two to five years versus every <br />year. <br />Discussion /Action Requested <br />Staff would like input from the Council on a number of items regarding the event in order for the <br />planning for the 2012 event to move forward: <br />1. Does the Council have any direction on if the event should be one venue or two? <br />2. We received a concern from a resident about a political message that was being displayed at <br />the event. Is the City open to political or church groups registering as a Community Booth? <br />Messages displayed at these types of booths are difficult to monitor. Past practice was that <br />staff would invite all local churches and all political groups to register, giving an equal <br />opportunity for participation. <br />3. Staff has been approached by the Republican Party with an interest in sponsoring, <br />coordinating and facilitating a fun run in conjunction with our fall festival. Is Council open <br />to having one political party sponsoring a portion of the event? <br />3 <br />\\ Metro- inet. us\ ardenhills \PR &PW\Recreation\MEMOS \Council Memos \10102011 Memo to CC Celebrating Arden Hills Update.doc <br />