Laserfiche WebLink
• Prepara#ion and #ransportation of �oting sys#ems, �oting stations, <br />and other election materia[s to and from each po�ling place; _ <br />� Providing election forms, supplies, and o#her related materiafs for <br />each pol[ing place; <br />• Cond�cting prelimir�ary tests and public acc�racy tests of voting <br />syst�ms; <br />� Pragramming, fayout and printir�g of balEots for Gi�y elections; <br />• Compi�atior� and reporting ofi election results and e�ection statistics <br />for dissemination ta th� appropria#e can�assing boards anci the <br />p�blic; <br />� Pro�iding eiectior�-reiated information on the County web site; <br />• Conducting reco�t�#s for City affices and balfot questions; <br />• Preparing, pasting, ar�d publisf�ing electian notices; <br />� Pro�iding irrforrnatior� anc[ assistance on election laws and <br />pracedures to City officials, candidates, ihe news media, and the <br />ger�eral public; <br />• Administering absentee voting, incl�cfing processing and counting <br />al� absentee ba�lots, filiing requests for absentee b�lio#s by mail; <br />provEcfing a#�sentee �oiing for health care facilEties in t�e City and <br />providi�rg absentee voting secvices for persons who choose to vote <br />iri person at #he County eiec#ior�s offce; - <br />• Administering campaign financial reporti�g and economic <br />disclosure acti�iti�s; <br />= PerForming duties of car�didate filing officer, +ncl�ding acceptance af <br />affidavi�s af candidacy ar�d pe�itions; <br />• Analyzing �roposed stat� and fede�al laws an election-related <br />matters #o determine impact an the City; <br />� Maintai�ing a database and preparing maps af election district and <br />precinct boundaries; <br />• Pro�iding technical assis#ance to the City in recfrawing precinct <br />bo�ndaries as required; <br />Agreerr�en# for Election 5ervices witE� City of Arden Hilfs, effective 1-1-i 2 2 of F <br />