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City Council Minutes
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11/15/2011 3:28:34 PM
9-26-11 Regular Minutes
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9-26-11 Regular Minutes
9-26-11 Regular Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG—SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 10 <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that the first condition deals exclusively with not <br /> closing Highway 96 while the construction is being done on the Lexington Avenue Bridge. In <br /> addition, the County Road E Bridge is not programmed until 2015 by which time the 1-694 <br /> project, Lexington Avenue Bridge, and US 10/Highway 96 would be completed. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated there has been some concern about the safety and slope of the <br /> concrete barrier referred to in condition three and vegetation in the area. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated he has discussed these issues with Ramsey County. He <br /> explained the final design for this project has not yet been completed. He did not have any <br /> problem requesting vegetation as long as it does not impede snow storage. As far as the concrete <br /> barrier, that is being installed as a safety feature and the City requested an increased height for <br /> sound and visual blockage. <br /> Mayor Grant stated the second bullet should read "to determine if a different length noise wall <br /> and/or a different height noise wall". <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern about the speed limit on Highway 10 and asked if the <br /> City can request it be lowered. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that in the State of Minnesota the only agency that can <br /> set a speed limit is MnDOT. The City could ask Ramsey County to request that MnDOT do a <br /> speed study on Highway 10. He also suggested that any speed study be done after the <br /> improvements have been completed. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if there is anything the City can do during the construction <br /> period to reduce accidents. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that for a period of time there will be fewer people using <br /> US 10 while Highway 96 is under construction. <br /> Joe Lux, Ramsey County Transportation Manager, explained that he and Jim Tolaas, Ramsey <br /> County Public Works Director, and Mr. Maurer have met and attended a MnDOT design meeting <br /> to discuss the conditions of Municipal Consent. He explained that MnDOT indicated they would <br /> like to let the US 10/Highway 96 project in January 2012 but now believe that to be impossible. <br /> The current plan is to do some preliminary work in 2012 and the closure in 2013. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if this timing change will still meet the funding requirements. <br /> Mr. Lux explained they will have to go to the Met Council and request a sunset date extension. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if we have assurance from MnDOT that they will do Lexington <br /> Avenue in 2012. <br /> Mr. Lux responded that they are planning to move forward on Lexington in January 2012. He <br /> added that the downside is that the overlay planned for US 10 will be moved from 2013 to 2014. <br /> Mr. Lux explained that they also reviewed the noise issue with MnDOT; what will be forthcoming <br />
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