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City Council Minutes
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10/6/2024 12:26:15 AM
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11/15/2011 3:28:34 PM
9-26-11 Regular Minutes
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9-26-11 Regular Minutes
9-26-11 Regular Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG—SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 11 <br /> is a memorandum from Peter Wascko stating that with the two noise studies that have been <br /> completed, there was enough overlap that it should be possible to determine what affect the <br /> different height and length of the noise walls would provide. Referring to the third condition, he <br /> stated the typical barrier is 38 inches high and the glare-screen type barrier is 58 inches high. He <br /> stated the 58 inch high wall provides glare screening and small children cannot climb over it. But <br /> they do question whether or not this height can be supported without significant changes to the <br /> retaining wall. There is about 15 feet of space available between Lakeshore Place and the barrier <br /> and he did not believe the County would object to adding plantings in that area. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the County has a process for meeting with the residents in the <br /> surrounding area <br /> Mr. Lux responded that they will probably hold another open house once they are close to final <br /> design. He also explained that there is some question about the right-of-way that needs to be <br /> addressed as there is one area where the roadway is built outside the easement. This would <br /> impact the northern four houses on Lakeshore Place where they will probably have to purchase at <br /> least a temporary easement. <br /> Mr. Lux then referred to condition four and said that they are all in agreement that this is what <br /> should be done. <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated that condition two is not definitive enough and that after the <br /> review is complete,the Council would have to look at that again. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that the City has to take action on Municipal Consent <br /> prior to October 9th. If no action is taken, Municipal Consent is considered approved. <br /> MOTION: Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a motion to <br /> approve Resolution 2011-048 with the correction on Condition #2. The <br /> motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> Mayor Grant announced that the Council would now return to the discussion of the pulled <br /> consent item 4.B. <br /> B. Motion to Approve Planning Case 11-019—Hood Packaging PUD Amendment <br /> City Planner Beekman reported that after reviewing the City Code, the screening requirement for <br /> the silos would be fences, walls or landscaping. <br /> Councilmember Tamble stated that a 24-foot high fence to screen the silos would be less <br /> appealing than the silos painted to match the building. <br /> Councilmember Holmes agreed that screening would be less attractive in this case. <br /> City Administrator Klaers asked if Hood Packaging is leasing the entire building. <br />
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