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��� <br />EN HILLS <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />FINANCIAL POLICIES- <br />FUND BALANCE <br />Fund Balance and Net Asset Guidelines (Fiscal Year-End) <br />Purpose <br />The purpose of the fund balance policies is to establish appropriate fund balance levels for each fund that <br />is primarily supported by property tax revenues or user fees. These policies will ensure that adequate <br />resources are available to meet cash flow needs for carrying out the regular operations of the City, as well <br />as to meet the fund balance requirements identified in the City's Long Range Financial Management Plan. <br />The funds that will be addressed in this policy are: General Fund, Cable Fund, EDA Funds, Equipment, <br />Building & Replacement Fund, Parks Fund, Public Safety Capital Fund, Permanent Improvement <br />Revolving Fund (PIR), Risk Management Fund, and Enterprise Funds. <br />Primary Policy Considerations <br />1. To meet the cash flow requirements of the City. <br />2. To maintain adequate fund balances and net assets in each individual fund of the City. <br />3. To provide for emergencies and contingency needs of the City. <br />Policy Statements <br />1. The Finance Director as a part of the annual budget process shall prepare an analysis of this <br />policy. The analysis shall project the status of the budget year ending fund balances and net <br />assets. <br />2. The City Council authorizes the Director of Finance and Administrative Services and/or City <br />Administrator to assign fund balance that reflects the City's intended use of those funds. When <br />both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the City's policy to first use <br />restricted resources, and then use unrestricted resources as they are needed. When unrestricted <br />resources are available for use, it is the City's polity to use resources in the following order; 1) <br />committed, 2) assigned, 3) unassigned. These fund balance classifications apply only to <br />Governmental Funds, not Enterprise Funds. <br />3. The General Fund balance shall be assigned as of December 31St for the following purposes in the <br />amounts described below: <br />a. The City will strive to maintain an unassigned balance in the General Fund of 50% of the <br />general fund's total annual operating budget (this reserve includes the designation for <br />cash flows). Since a signiiicant source of revenue in the General Fund comes from <br />property taxes, maintaining a fund balance that is equal to at least six months of operating <br />expenditures ensures that sufficient resources are available to fund basic City functions <br />between property tax settlements. This range is in conformance with guidance from the <br />P:\Finance�Policies and Procedures\Policies\Fund Balance Policy-2011.doc <br />Adopted 11/28/2011 <br />