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Office of the State Auditor (OSA). Amounts that exceed 50% may be transferred out to <br />other funds. An assignment or restriction of fund balance may be used to offset revenues <br />earned in one year where substantial services are required to be performed in the next <br />fscal period. <br />b. The City will maintain an amount sufficient to cover accumulated vacation and <br />compensatory time balances and that portion of PTO leave that would be payable under <br />the City's severance pay policy or union contracts. This amount shall be adjusted <br />annually as part of the year-end close and annual financial report process. <br />c. Far specific purposes as authorized by the City Council or the City's intended use of the <br />funds. <br />Funds shall be assigned frst for compensated absences, second for cash flow needs and lastly for <br />emergencies/contingencies. <br />4. The Cable Fund is a Special Revenue Fund that provides for cable and communication related <br />expenses to disseminate information to the public. It receives the majority of its funding from <br />franchise fees which are restricted for this use. <br />The City will strive to maintain a fund balance in the Cable Fund in an amount sufficient to <br />support the ongoing operating expenditures and capital expenditures planned in the CIP and in <br />congruence with the Long Range Financial Management Plan. <br />5. EDA Funds are Special Revenue Funds that carryout economic and industrial development and <br />redevelopment consistent with policies established by the City Council. It receives the majority <br />of its funding from specific taxes or other earmarked revenue sources. <br />The City will strive to maintain fund balances in the EDA Funds in an amount sufficient to <br />support the ongoing expenditures, obligations and in congruence with the Long Range Financial <br />Management Plan. Revenues not legally restricted will be committed. <br />6. Fund balances in Debt Service Funds far future debt payments are restricted. <br />7. Capital Funds are used to account for the �nancing of street rehabilitations projects, equipment <br />replacement, public safety equipment, and facility rehabilitation or renovation. Revenue sources <br />are provided mainly through property taxes, special assessments, Park dedication fees, and <br />charitable gambling. Street projects, equipment purchases, and renovations are programmed into <br />the City's Capital Improvement Plan and are generally planned years in advance. <br />The City will strive to maintain fund balances in the Equipment Building & Replacement Fund, <br />Public Safety Capital Fund, Parks Fund, and the Permanent Revolving Improvement Fund in an <br />amount sufticient to support the ongoing capital expenditures planned in the CIP and in <br />congruence with the Long Range Financial Management Plan. Revenues not legally restricted <br />will be assigned. <br />8. Enterprise Funds were established to account for the operation of Water, Sanitary Sewer, <br />Recycling, and Surface Water Management. These operations are designed to be self-supporting <br />from user charges. <br />City enterprise funds shall have operating cash reserves sufficient to provide for monthly cash <br />flow, and for a reasonable level of equipment and infrastructure replacement. Major <br />P:\Finance�Policies and Procedures�Policies\Fund Balance Policy-201 l.doc <br />Adopted 11/28/20ll <br />