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<br />.............................:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................:...................................
<br />Water Meter/Spacer Charges — ! Fee includes removal of ineter, $130.00
<br />Customer Requested Water : bench test at maintenance
<br />Meter Accuracy Test : facility, and returning meter to
<br />; residence; Fee will not be applied
<br />if the meter is found to be
<br />: inaccurate to a degree exceeding
<br />i three percent (3 %) from the
<br />result of the bench test
<br />-----------___ _____�__�------------- -----____ __:�________,__ ___---------_________�________ _____-----_____-- -------- --
<br />Water Meter/Spacer Charges — $380.00
<br />3/4" x 7 1/2" Meter
<br />Water Meter/Spacer Charges — �48�-88 (Contact Public Works
<br />3/4" x 9" Meter ; for Quote)__
<br />__....____......._.._-----________._______.------_______ __.__.-------, _.._._..--- _______..__�_...._.._.._..:._ ___...... __.._____ _----
<br />_............----_..._..__.....
<br />Water Meter/Spacer Charges — $430.00
<br />1" Meter ;
<br />.:.................:..................:..........................:.........._................:._............................:........_........................:......................._.............................................................................:............_.....:.......................:........:............._...............................................................
<br />Water Meter/Spacer Charges — Contact Public Works for Quote
<br />Greater than 1" ;
<br />Water Connection Fee — $800.00 per acre or portion
<br />Connection fee for previously thereof
<br />un-served or expanded lots �
<br />_ ............................:..................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................__............................................................................................
<br />Water Availability Fee — � The units are based on the ��F}9�O- $5( 00•00) per unit
<br />New or Additional Connections ! Metropolitan Council's formula
<br />' for calculating new sewer
<br />i availability charge (SAC) units
<br />Sewer Connection Fee — $800.00 per acre or portion
<br />Connection fee for previously thereof
<br />un-served or ex anded lots
<br />Sewer Availability ree — � The units are based on the �-89�80- $5( 00•QO) per unit
<br />New or Additional Connections ' Metropolitan Council's formula
<br />� for calculating new sewer
<br />............ ..._availability...charge _(SAC)_units...................
<br />................................ .
<br />Sewer Permits — Service Per inspection $38.00
<br />Installation/Alternations/Repairs,__ __
<br />------------_____ __________�_-----_____________ ______________________�_______--------___ ___ ___________----___ _ ________-------___ � __ _ _--------- ------
<br />Sewer Permits — Plan Review Set by Inspectar
<br />Fee ;
<br />Sewer Permits — Reins ections j '� $38.00 er hour
<br />I Sewer Access Charge Set by Met Council Annually `�'','�.�$2,365.00 (for 2010)
<br />`�`e��e3�e1��s—��� c,,,.,.i,..s..�o ` nnnc z. �,. �,,, �r.,i„�, „r �� nn
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<br />��.W W_____._ _ _._ _..._. _. W� ______..... __..._._ _.____... _.. _ _..._._._.- _ _ __-----
<br />Sanitary Sewer Utility Prohibited � $100.00 per month
<br />Sump Pump Connection
<br />Surchar e
<br />, � � : , `�
<br />. t
<br />� �
<br />� � , ,,; �. � �
<br />� � . SG������ ° �1I�,1�1 z �� �� 1' �' 3 E �
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<br />. .,:..., _ ._ . ,� ,
<br />3/4" Hydrant Meter Rental j No monthly fee if returned within $10.50 for permit +$100.00
<br />i 7 days deposit +$25.00 per month
<br />rental + water usage
<br />