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<br />Ri�ht-of Way_Permit ; Per �xcavation $175.00
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<br />(Gradin� & Erosion Control (Administrative Fee) $1( 50•00)
<br />Fee � Escrow $3 500 / acre
<br />_.� _______�_'----_ —_T-----� ___:_ � .� _________ _ _ __— � x ) _ _ _--
<br />Appeal of Administrative Cost of staff time to prepare $100.00
<br />Zoning, Sign, or Subdivision appeal information
<br />Decisions
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<br />Water Permits - Service � Per inspection $38.00
<br />Instal lation/Repairs/Alteration
<br />Water Permits - Interior $38.00
<br />Plumbin , New Home
<br />;�-a�e�C-e�ect�errF�-�e� �8A
<br />______ _____ � __ _______________________________ __---------<---------------------------------------------____________,____�_____ __---__________ ______
<br />Water Turn On/Off Temporar� ; $38.00
<br />______.._..___..._. ___ _....___...__._z____..____ _ _._.________. .� _ — _..______________..__---.._..-.-----_..__....__..-- -------..._..------..___......__------_.__..__......___......-----------------
<br />Water Permanent Disconnect $205.00
<br />Curb Box and Service Lead, 1" $155.00
<br />Service Connection on
<br />Unsurfaced Street
<br />Restoration of Typical Road Mix : $100.00
<br />Street
<br />Restoration of Higher-Type ; Set by Engineer
<br />Street
<br />_. _._._.-_ _ _ _.______ _ � __ ._—.._..........._............_......_. _. � ......_.__ __._..
<br />Larger than 1" Service Set by Inspectar
<br />Connection
<br />.................:............_.......................................:...: ................... . �
<br />., ..................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................._...............................
<br />Water Permits - Plan Check Fee ; Set by Inspector ��
<br />______.___�__ _.------_.._..__.._._..__.... � ________� � .. _.----- -------___........__.._________. �.______._._____
<br />Water Permits - Re-inspection $38.00
<br />