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7 01-41 30037 010 CurrentAd Valorem Texes <br />101�130031071 Peyments In Lleu of Texes <br />101-41300-31020 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes <br />101�d130031030 Mobile Home Tex <br />101-4130031040 Fiscei Disparitles <br />101-41300-31570 Aggregate Removel Tez <br />101-41300-37910 Penalties 8lnterest on Texes <br />101-41300-37820 FoReRedTaxSeles <br />Total Ta�ces <br />Lleenses and Pertnits � <br />101-41300.32110 Liquor, On Sale 8 Sundey <br />101-41300321 7 1 Liquor, Olf Sale <br />101-4130032150 Inspectlon Fees <br />107-41300-32160 Contractors <br />10 7-4 7 9 7 0-32 7 70 Rental Regulatlon Fee <br />707-4730032180 BusineasLicenses <br />107-4 7 300-32181 Other Buslness Lic/Permifs <br />701-41300-32182 Ta6acco License <br />101�t2400-32210 Plan ReWew 8 BIdO Permils <br />101-42400-32220 Mechanicel Permits <br />101-42400-32230 Plumbing Permits <br />101-4130032240 Animel Licenses <br />101-4191032250 Slgn Permits <br />101-41300-32250 SlgnPermitRenewal <br />107-42400-32260 Electrical Permtts <br />107-42400-32270 UOIiryPermilFees <br />107-42400-32275 Fire Suppresslon Permi[s <br />7 0 7-42400-32278 Fire PermR Plen Check Fee <br />101-41910-32279 Eraslon/Greding Permit <br />701-41300-32280 OtherNonbusinessLidPermits <br />Totel Licenses and Permi[s <br />Interaovernmental Revenues <br />107�7300-33402 Market Value Homestead Credit <br />107-4130033403 Mabile Home Homestead Credit <br />701�7300-33420 StetePERAAId - <br />.707-42700-33416 PoliceAid <br />�7 01-43 7 00-3341 8 MSAMaintenance <br />101-41970-33422 State Grants <br />101 �14t 0-33621 Other Counly Grants 8 Aids <br />Olher Intergovernmenlal <br />Charaes for Services <br />701-4191034103 ZoninA and Subdivision Fees <br />701-41910-34104 Plan Checking Fees <br />701-41300-34105 Sale of Maps and Pu6licetions <br />701-41910-34106 Plat 8 Other Fees <br />101-41300-34108 Admin Chgs from other Tunds <br />101-47500-34108 Admin ChOs from other funds <br />107-41940�4708 Admin Chgs from other funds <br />101-41970-34110 2oning PermitFees <br />101�150034250 BusinessSubaidiaryAppFee <br />7 07-41 30034120 WaterTowerMtenneRentals <br />101-41300-34121 Other General Gov[ Charges <br />101-4210034202 FalseAlarms <br />101-42100-34206 Impaund Fees <br />101-4240034207 State Building Code Surcharges <br />101-42400-34208 City Building Code Surcherges <br />101-41940-34101 Ciry Hell Rantel <br />101-4520034300 Park Fecility Rental Fees <br />101d520034307 Youlh Pragram Field Use <br />101�5200-34302 Adult Program Fleld Use �- <br />107-45120-34730 Summer Playground Fees <br />107�{512034740 SummerTripFees <br />7 0 7-45120-34781 AdullProgrems <br />1014512034782 Youth Progrems � <br />10145120-34785 Adult Soflbell <br />101-4572034790 After School Programs - <br />101�5 7 203479 7 Speciel Eventa Progrems <br />101-41910-34950 Other Charges far Services <br />- Total Cherges for Services <br />City of Arden Hllls <br />General Fund Summary <br />2072 Budget <br />$ 2,558,094 $ 2,646,702 S 3,040,964 $3,040,984 5 1,387,908 3,108,494 $ <br />- 174 ' ' ' ' <br />25,924 (25,313) 21,461 27,481 (74,708) 27,467 <br />6,416 7,084 7,500 7,500 (1,641) 7,500 <br />244,884 240,799 - � - 140,409 - <br />(49� (2,999) - - (2,840) - <br />832 602 - - - 800 <br />2,835,253 2,867,028 3,089,925 3,089,925 1,509,128 3,136,055 <br />24,750 23,820 25,000 25,000 24,100 25,000 <br />440 950 - - 640 - <br />_ _ _ - 900 - <br />4,890 4,858 5,500 5,500 5,550 5,500 <br />3,OB0 2,520 3,400 3,400 3,040 2,800 <br />7 0,521 11,888 13,000 13,000 10,409 13,000 <br />300 3,485 4,000 4,000 1,890 4,000 <br />_ _ _ - 7,000 - <br />171,253 123,748 128,000 128,000 112,802 133,000 <br />42,084 25,881 26,000 26,000 23,133 26,000 <br />i8,B96 8,086 10,000 10,000 B,B38 10,000 <br />1,345 1,999 3,500 3,500 1,578 2.000 <br />800 800 1,300 7,300 1,250 850 <br />- �,eoo - - �,eao z,00a <br />25,853 27,748 20,000 20,000 20,885 20,000 <br />8,720 5,879 300 300 2,625 300 <br />5,392 7,776 8,000 8,000 4,724 6,000 <br />1,817 - 3,000 3,000 1,555 3,000 <br />1,080 3,575 1,600 1,800 4,050 1,600 <br />1 635 1 520 2 000 2 000 1 000 2,000 <br />318,849 255,265 252,800 252,600 228,004 258,850 <br />88 (56) (87,774) (81,774) - - <br />3,883 3,522 - - - - <br />5,779 5,179 5,179 5,179 - 5,179 <br />43,978 41,777 49,946 49,940 - 41,844 <br />87,849 68,559 67,649 87,849 38,009 68,559 <br />10,000 - ' ' ' ' <br />130,557 118,981 61,000 81,000 38,009 N5,582 <br />- 50 - - - - <br />82,808 47,403 42,000 42,000 47,027 42,000 <br />21 72 - - 8 - <br />10,772 17,355 11,000 77,000 10,025 11,000 <br />18,802 31,847 23,310 23,310 - 24,782 <br />28,168 40,890 40,177 40,117 - 54,338 <br />85,348 77,860 97,474 97,474 703,771 <br />1,257 - 1,200 7200 510 850 <br />- 2,000 - - - 2,000 <br />83,009 65,759 65,000 85,000 87,488 75,855 <br />2,870 3,385 3,300 3,300 3,407 3,400 <br />350 850 2,000 2,000 - 7,000 <br />9,821 8,757 8,000 8,000 8,967 8,000 <br />1,016 - 7,000 1,000 802 1,000 <br />- 130 - - 60 - <br />3,722 1,636 3,500 3,500 3,242 3,500 <br />_ _ _ - 4,230 <br />' ' ' ' ' 1,600 <br />10,704 12,484 12,000 12,000 73,537. 12,000 <br />34 . (34) - - - - <br />14,860 31,835 17,000 17,000 33,810 23,000 <br />� 43,048 39,884 42,000 42,000 40,857 39,000 <br />1,840 - - - - - <br />12,800 11,855 74,000 14,000 11,030 11,000 <br />4,298 3,735 3,500 3,500 2,124 3,500 <br />97 250 200 200 355 - <br />395,240 388,737 386,807 386,601 235,021 425,545 <br />- 2.15% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00% <br />0.00°k <br />- 2.15% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />a.oa � <br />- 1.68°k <br />- -100.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- -1622% <br />- 1.35% <br />- 0.00°k <br />_ n nn=c <br />-29. <br />- -50.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00 k <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 35.28% <br />' '7.14% <br />