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107-4210D-35110 Highwey Patral Flnes <br />1 0 7-421 00-351 30 DWI Forfeitures <br />1 0 7-42100-35140 Voletions Bureau <br />101�2700-35750 To6accoFlnes <br />107�2100-35180 AdminisUativeFines <br />101�2700-35200 Forfeils <br />Totel Fines 8 Forfeits <br />Soecial Assessments <br />701-41300-36700 Special Assessments <br />101-41300-36107 Delinquent Sp Assessments <br />701-41300-36102 Penaltles and Int Sp Assessments <br />701-41300-36103 PrePaldSpeclelAssessments <br />Total Speciel Assessmenls <br />Miscellaneous <br />101�730038210 Interest Income <br />101�1300-38230 Contribu0ons/Donations <br />701�19403823D Conlributions/Donations <br />7 01-45 7 2036230 ContrlbutionslDonatians <br />101-4540036230 ContributionslDonatlans <br />701d5200-36230 ContributionslDonations <br />101�130036215 Candida[e Filing Fee <br />101-41910-38240 DeveloperReimbursements <br />101-01500-38245 Conduk DebtApplicedon Fee <br />101�150036248 CanduNDebtFees <br />101�310038277 Nigh[TlmeConstrucOonWaiver <br />107�7910-38280 OtherMiscellaneousRevenue <br />101-43100-38270 Miscelleneous Reimbursements - <br />107-41300-36270 MiscellaneousRelmbursement <br />10 7-41 500-36270 MiscellaneousRelmbureement <br />101-41940-36270 Miscella�eousReimbursement <br />101-43100-38275 Private Slreet Light Reimbureements <br />107d270038280 MlscellaneousReimbursement <br />701-42400-36280 Flre Inspection Reimbursement <br />Tolel Miscellaneous <br />� Total Operating Revenues <br />OtherFlnaoclna Sources <br />107-42t00-39101 Sales of General Fnced Assets <br />707-45200-39203 Transfer <br />ToGI Other FlnanNng Sources <br />Mayor & Coundl <br />Elections <br />Adminlshetlon <br />Flnence 8 Administradve Services <br />TCAAP <br />Planning 8 Zoning � <br />Govemment Buildings <br />Police 8 Animal Cantrol <br />Dispatch � - <br />Fire Protection � <br />EmerOency Managemenl <br />. Protectivelnspectlons <br />SUeetMalntenance � <br />Park Malntenance <br />Recreatlon � <br />CelehrednB Arden Hllls <br />Reserves/Confingency � <br />Trensfere <br />Total Operating Expenses <br />CaoiWl OutlaK <br />Mayor 8 Council <br />Electlons <br />Administretion <br />Finance 8 Administretive Services <br />TCAAP <br />Planning 8 Zoning <br />Government Buildings <br />� Police 8 Animal Control <br />Dispatch <br />Fire Protectlon <br />Emergency Manegement <br />Protecdve Inspocfions <br />Street Meintenance <br />Perk Maintenance <br />Recrea0on <br />Calebrating Arden Hllls - <br />Trensfere <br />Total Capkal Outlay <br />Total Generol Fund Expenses <br />788 733 1D,000 10,000 1,695 4,000 <br />1,132 - 1,000 1,000 - 7,000 <br />23,844 21,875 23,000 23,000 9,523 23,000 <br />- 700 - - 100 - - <br />- - t�,000 �i,aoa - iz,00a <br />347 3 905 5 441 5 441 338 5,482 <br />28,111 27,073 50,441 50,441 71,654 45,492 <br />' ' ' - 219 210 <br />' ' ' ' 219 270 <br />37,941 29,867 40,000 40,000 22,807 35,000 <br />1,385 581 3,600 3,600 - 3,800 <br />500 2,350 - - 750 - - <br />- 8,000 75,000 15,000 70,025 15,000 <br />- 1,800 ' ' ' ' <br />- �p ' ' ' ' <br />500 - 500 500 500 � - <br />- 4,778 10,000 10,000 768,438 8,522 <br />- 250 - - - - <br />4B8 468 � 550 550 312 550 <br />1,245 962 4,000 4,000 1,363 1,250 <br />3,797 337 3,000 3,000 347 3,000 <br />3,109 5,885 - - - 6,000 <br />42,945 53,391 76,850 76,850 204,540 73,922 <br />3,748,956 3,710,418 3,897,217 3,897,217 2,227,574 4,053,826 <br />$ 76,760 5 87,839 $ 89,708 $ 89,706 $ 52,275 $ 74,511 $ <br />1,656 76,156 7,720 1,720 -1,705 18,068 <br />370,599 391,510 338,B2B 338,B2B 231,039 351,736 <br />132,039 150,727 139,745 139,745 17 0, 559 164,749 <br />- . - - - , - 60,000 <br />782,688 188,552 270,806 270,806 759,307 249,441 <br />219,485 195,378 237,870 237,870 788,085 209,321 <br />903,741 907,144 940,655 940,855 707,078 978,955 <br />30,678 38,025 42,766 42,786 28,111 49,279 <br />337,873 358,778 379,402 379,402 379,402 392,869 <br />7,408 8,859 26,445 28.445 6,471 15,533 <br />247,119 254,240 259,302 259,302 188,677 270,753 <br />282,019 322,795 280,983 280,983 208,455 304,556 <br />397,752 388,906 412,825 472,825 342,982 425,239 <br />209,070 218,889 218,953 218,953 160,279 223,878 <br />- 19,416 25,000 25,000 19,120 25,000 <br />' ' 20.271 20,211 ' - <br />378 896 270 266 252 fi00 252 600 240,000 <br />3,777,564. 3,769,482 3,817,217 3,917,277 2,761,463 4,053,826 <br />' ' ' ' 137 - <br />' ' ' ' �3 ' <br />. . - . . _ � _ � _ 870 - <br />- - 1,020 - <br />$ 3,777,584 $ 3,768,482 $ 3,917277 53,817,217 $ 2,782,483 $ 4,053,828 $ <br />- -80.00 % <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00°h <br />- 9.09 % <br />0.99% <br />- -9.87°k <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00 % <br />- 0.00°/a <br />- 0.00°k <br />0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- -12.50% <br />- 0.00 k <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00 k <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00% <br />_ _�nnnn�, <br />- 6.88°k <br />- 950.47% <br />- 3.81 % <br />- 17.89% <br />- 0.00% <br />- -7.89% <br />- -72.00% <br />- 4.07% <br />- 76.73% <br />- 3.55% <br />- -4126°h <br />- 4.42Ya <br />- 8.39% <br />- 3.01 % <br />- 2.18% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00 h <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />- 0.00°k <br />- 0.00°k <br />- O.00k <br />0.00% <br />- 0.00% <br />