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1010.14 Surface Water Management Utility. <br /> Subd. 1 General Operation. The municipal surface storm water runoff system shall be operated <br /> as a public utility, hereinafter called the "surface water management utility," pursuant to M.S. § <br /> 444.075, as amended from time to time, from which revenues will be derived subject to the <br /> provisions of this chapter and Minnesota Statutes. <br /> Subd.2 Definitions. <br /> A. The words "Quarterly Surface Water Management Budget" shall mean the <br /> estimated quarterly expenditures for planning and inventories, capital <br /> expenditures, personnel and equipment and operation of the surface water utility, <br /> in accordance with established City policy. This budget shall be established from <br /> time to time by City Council resolution. <br /> B. The words "Surface Water Management Fee" shall mean the quarterly charge <br /> developed for each parcel of land pursuant to City regulations and zoning <br /> classifications and shall be established by Ordinance adopted by the Council. <br /> C. The words "Utility Factor" shall mean the ratio of runoff volume, in inches, for a <br /> particular land use,to the runoff volume, in inches, for a 1/3 -acre residential lot, <br /> assuming a two-inch rainfall and soil conservation service, or (SCS), "Type B" <br /> soil conditions. <br /> Subd. 3 Establishment of Fees. Surface water management fees shall be established by <br /> Ordinance adopted by the Council. The following steps shall be taken to determine the quarterly <br /> fee to be charged to each property: <br /> A. A calculation shall be made of the total area, in acres, of all zoned property <br /> within the City. <br /> B. A determination shall be made whether each individual property within these <br /> zoning classifications is developed or undeveloped. <br /> C. The total number of developed acres of property within these zoning <br /> classifications shall be calculated. <br /> D. The total acreage of developed property zoned as R-1, single family residential, <br /> shall be divided by the total acreage calculated in Step C. This yields the <br /> percentage of total developed property that is zoned R-1. <br /> E. The City Council shall establish, by resolution, the quarterly budget for the <br /> revenue to be generated. <br /> F. The portion of the quarterly budget to be charged against properties zoned R-1 <br /> shall be calculated by multiplying the percentage found in Step D. by the budge <br /> amount in Step E. <br /> G. The rate per acre for property zoned R-1 shall be calculated by dividing the <br /> revenue for R-1 properties in Step F,by the total acreage of developed properties <br />